What is Latakia known for?

Latakia is now the principal port of Syria; it is located on a good harbour, with an extensive agricultural hinterland. Exports include bitumen and asphalt, cereals, cotton, fruit, eggs, vegetable oil, pottery, and tobacco.

What happened Syria Latakia?

Syrian no longer exists. In Syria, farmers used to grow a leaf known as Shekk-el-Bint specifically for Latakia production, and then cured it in their own barns.

What is the population of Latakia Syria?

The current metro area population of Lattakia in 2021 is 669,000, a 1.98% increase from 2020. The metro area population of Lattakia in 2020 was 656,000, a 1.71% increase from 2019. The metro area population of Lattakia in 2019 was 645,000, a 1.42% increase from 2018.

How is Latakia made?

Latakia is mainly grown in Cyprus and northern Syria. After the leaves are harvested and dried, they are hung in tightly closed barns and smoke-cured. Small smoldering fires of aromatic woods and herbs fill the barn with smoke, and cover the leaves with smoke particles.

How safe is Latakia?

Crime rates in Latakia, Syria

Level of crime 48.08 Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 3 years 57.69 Moderate
Worries home broken and things stolen 40.38 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed 51.92 Moderate
Worries car stolen 45.83 Moderate

Is Latakia an oriental tobacco?

Latakia is an Oriental tobacco, and it comes originally from Syria. The leaves grow close the ground, and when they are ripe, they are harvested individually, hung on rods and dried by the sun-curing method.

How is Latakia tobacco made?

Is Latakia in Syria safe?

There is a war going on and unlikely there an many people sunning on beaches. latakia is the most safe city in Syria now , you can go and you will find that everything is ok like nothing happening in Syria !

Where does Latakia tobacco come from?

What’s the weather like in Latakia?

In Latakia, the summers are warm, muggy, dry, and clear and the winters are cool, wet, windy, and partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 48°F to 85°F and is rarely below 41°F or above 88°F.