What is La Fete de Saint Nicolas?

In France, the tradition of Saint Nicolas is very popular in the regions of Alsace and Lorraine. The custom is that on the night of December the 5th, children place their shoes beside the fireplace or at the door. By morning, their little shoes are filled with chocolates, candies, nuts and fruits.

How do the French celebrate St Nicholas day?

On the eve of the saint’s day, children put their shoes near the chimney and sing a song to Saint Nicolas before going off to bed. The shoes overflow in the morning with special Saint Nicolas sweet treats—chocolates and special cookies.

What do French children do the night before December 6?

Christmas Presents – Les Cadeaux de Noël In some parts of France, Christmas comes early when Father Christmas, le Père Noël, brings small gifts and sweets for children on December 6th, the feast day of Saint-Nicolas (celebrated in the North and Northeast).

What is the legend of Saint Nicholas in France?

Saint Nicholas was a Christian bishop who helped the needy. After his death, the legend of his gift-giving grew. Saint Nicholas transformed into the legendary character called Santa Claus, who brings Christmas presents to children around the world.

What miracles did St Nicholas perform?

One day as he was on his way he came upon a woman with a withered hand. Stopping, he approached her, laid his hand on her, prayed to God, and made the sign of the cross. The hand miraculously became whole. This was the earliest miracle that has been attributed to Saint Nicholas.

How did people in Alsace receive gifts from La Saint Nicolas?

On the night of December 5 he is said to visit the houses of children by sliding down the chimney to bring them gifts. Children place their shoes on their doorstep for Saint Nicolas to fill with treats, as well as something for him to drink and a carrot for his donkey.

Where in France is Saint Nicholas celebrated?

The departments of Flanders, Alsace, Champagne and Franche-Comté are the main regions to celebrate Saint-Nicolas in France. He is usually depicted as a bishop with a white beard accompanied by donkeys, and who brings gifts for children.

Why do the French use shoes instead of stockings?

In France, children leave out their shoes or socks in front of the fireplace, hoping Père Nöel will fill them to the brim with little presents, sweets, fruit, nuts and anything else that will fit in there. Children with small feet must feel shortchanged. Christmas market??

What saint is celebrated on le 6 décembre?

St. Nicholas
Nicholas Day, feast day (December 6) of St. Nicholas, the 4th-century bishop of Myra. St. Nicholas is the patron saint of Russia and Greece, of a number of cities, and of sailors and children, among many other groups, and was noted for his generosity.

Was there a real Saint Nicholas?

Nicholas was a real man. He was a bishop, living in the 3rd century, in what’s now modern-day Turkey. Professor Adam English of Campbell University in North Carolina pieced together the life of St. Nicholas in his new book, The Saint Who Would Be Santa Claus: The True Life and Trials of Nicholas of Myra.

Quand viennent les fêtes de Saint Nicolas?

Les Fêtes de Saint Nicolas Du 20 novembre 2020 au 3 janvier 2021 . Dans l’Est de la France, en hiver, les deux moments forts sont le marché de Noël de Strasbourg et les Fêtes de Saint-Nicolas à Nancy ! Fête traditionnelle lorraine, c’est à Nancy que la Saint-Nicolas est fêtée avec le plus de faste et de gaîté.

Comment est décrite la fête de Saint-Nicolas à Dunkerque?

Dans les années 1500, la fête de Saint-Nicolas à Dunkerque est ainsi décrite : « Le 5 décembre, veille de la fête de la Saint-Nicolas, le patron des enfants, les écoliers nommaient, parmi eux, un évêque. Toute la journée du 6 décembre, l’élu avait le titre et les immunités d’évêque des enfants.

Quelle est la fête de Saint Nicolas en Lorraine?

En Lorraine, la fête a une importance particulière, puisque saint Nicolas est le patron de la région depuis 1477. En effet, alors que la Lorraine était occupée par la Bourgogne, le duc René II demanda la victoire à saint Nicolas. À la suite de la victoire de la bataille de Nancy,…

Quelle est la tradition du défilé de Saint Nicolas?

Dans toutes les villes, et notamment à Metz, Nancy, Épinal, Saint-Dié, Bar-le-Duc ou encore Verdun, le défilé de saint Nicolas est devenu une tradition au fil du temps, le premier samedi ou le premier dimanche de décembre. Parfois monté sur un âne, il est suivi du sombre père Fouettard.