What is iron polysaccharide complex?

Polysaccharide iron complex is an iron containing drug used to improve low iron levels. Iron is an essential nutrient. It is a component of hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle cells, proteins that are used to transport oxygen.

Which is the example of Hematinic?

Hematinics are substances that are essential to the proper formation of the components of blood. Examples of hematinics include folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron. In addition, vitamin D, which helps maintain the health of bones—the reservoirs of new blood cells—may also have a…

What is ferrous sulfate Hematinic?

This medication is an iron supplement used to treat or prevent low blood levels of iron (such as those caused by anemia or pregnancy). Iron is an important mineral that the body needs to produce red blood cells and keep you in good health.

Can I take omeprazole and iron together?

If you are iron-deficient or have anemia, you should talk to your doctor before using ferrous sulfate together with omeprazole. By reducing stomach acid, omeprazole may reduce the absorption of iron and make ferrous sulfate less effective in treating your condition.

What is polysaccharide iron complex used for?

Iron is important for many functions in the body, especially for the transport of oxygen in the blood. Iron polysaccharide is used to prevent and to treat iron deficiencies and iron deficiency anemia. This medicine is not for use as a general dietary supplement in people with normal iron levels.

What is polydextrose iron complex?

The original Polydextrose Iron Complex (PDIC) iron supplement for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Helping optimize patient compliance for greater treatment success. • Highest elemental iron amount (150 mg) available in single capsules. • Once a day dosing.

What other iron compounds are commonly used as Hematinic?


Drug Drug Description
Ferrous succinate An iron supplement indicated in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
Ferric maltol A complexed iron supplement used to treat iron deficiency in adults.
Iron polymaltose Not Annotated

What is the meaning of Haematinic?

Definitions of haematinic. a medicine that increases the hemoglobin content of the blood; used to treat iron-deficiency anemia. synonyms: hematinic. type of: medicament, medication, medicinal drug, medicine. (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease.

Which is used as Haematinic?

The main hematinics are iron, B12, and folate. Deficiency in hematinics can lead to anaemia.

What medications affect iron?

Iron tablets may cause other drugs you are taking to not work as well. Some of these include tetracycline, penicillin, and ciprofloxacin and drugs used for hypothyroidism, Parkinson disease, and seizures. Medicines that reduce stomach acid will impair iron absorption.