What is IRC in Linux?

An IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client is a program that a user can install on their computer and it sends and receives messages to and from an IRC server. It simply connects you to a global network of IRC servers and enables one-on-one and group communication.

How do I make an IRC server?

Connect to an IRC Network

  1. Press on the + in the top left corner.
  2. Press Add Network and select the IRC network from the list you would like to join or press Custom Network and enter the details.
  3. Enter the name of the chat room you would like to join or select the chat room(s) from the list and then press Join.

Are there still IRC servers?

Today, there are still over 2,000 IRC servers and almost 500 IRC networks (groups of affiliated servers) operating worldwide. Still, many people have abandoned IRC since the early ’00s due to the rise of the myriad competing online social spaces.

How do I connect to IRC on Linux?

IRC Console Client After installing irssi, you may type “irssi” in a terminal and the program will initiate. To connect to the “MegaGlest” IRC room like we did previously, you may type “/SERVER irc.freenode.org” and press enter, and then type “/JOIN #megaglest” and hit enter again and you’re good to go.

What is the most popular IRC server?

Popular IRC Networks

  • Webchat: http://www.dal.net:9090/ Services: nickserv, chanserv.
  • Webchat: http://chat.efnet.org:9090/
  • Services: NickServ, ChanServ.
  • Webchat: http://webchat.ircnet.net/
  • Server Locations: Europe, UK.
  • Webchat: https://webchat.oftc.net/
  • Webchat: https://webchat.quakenet.org/
  • Webchat: https://rizon.net/chat.

Is using IRC illegal?

His conclusions are quite alarming, suggesting that 99.9% of IRC usage is illegal although he backs up IRC by saying that it is also used for lots of constructive purposes and is used by open source software developers.” Update: 01/21 05:17 GMT by P : The author claimed it was merely 99.9% of traffic “to the top 60 …

Is IRC open source?

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is one of the main communication channels for open source projects. You can freely join a channel that suits your interests if you are looking for help or interested in contributing.

Which is the best IRC client for Linux?

Quassel is a free, new fashion, cross-platform, distributed IRC client that works on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, you can think of it as a GUI replication of WeeChat.

Which is the most widely deployed IRC server?

UnrealIRCd is an Open Source IRC Server , serving thousands of networks since 1999. It runs on Linux, OS X and Windows and is currently the most widely deployed IRCd with a market share of 43% . UnrealIRCd is a highly advanced IRCd with a strong focus on modularity, an advanced and highly configurable configuration file.

Can a client connect to an IRC server?

Congratulations! Your server is now online! Any IRC client capable of accessing your server will now be able to connect to your IRC server. 8. Congratulations! What’s Next?

What does IRC stand for in computer terms?

In computing, IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and is widely regarded as the first mainstream text-based communication mechanism. At its peak, IRC chat enjoyed overwhelming popularity and served millions of people before losing ground to modern-day chat services like Facebook.