What is internal Laryngocele?

Internal laryngoceles, are comprised of a collection of air or serous fluid and mucous in the anterior portion of the laryngeal ventricle. They have the potential to enlarge into the false vocal fold. Internal laryngoceles are classified as such because their sac remains within the confines of the thyroid cartilage.

How is Laryngocele treated?

Microlaryngoscopy involving the use of a CO2 laser has become the main therapeutic procedure for the treatment of internal laryngoceles during the past 20 years. An external approach still remains the main therapeutic approach for the treatment of combined laryngoceles.

What is bilateral laryngoceles?

Laryngocele is an abnormal dilatation of the saccule of laryngeal ventricle, which is usually unilateral and filled with air or fluid. We present a case of bilateral laryngoceles colonized by Aspergillus species.

Where is a Laryngocele located?

Laryngocele is an abnormal cystic dilatation of the saccule of the larynx. It communicates with the laryngeal lumen and contains air. Laryngocele can be classified as internal (within the larynx), external (outside the larynx) and mixed (both).

How is laryngocele formed?

The laryngocele is an abnormal cystic dilatation of the saccule or appendix of the laryngeal ventricle, filled with air and communicating with the lumen of the larynx. When the neck of the laryngocele is obstructed, it becomes filled with mucus of the glandular secretion and is changed to a laryngomucocele.

What is laryngeal myasthenia?

Laryngeal MG is a rare and possibly under-diagnosed condition. The patients can present with dysarthria, dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing. Fluctuation in severity of disease by neostigmine/edrophonium test is a typical feature for MG patients.

What is supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma?

Background. Early stage supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma (SSCC) is defined as T1 (tumor limited to one subsite of supraglottis with normal vocal cord mobility) or T2 (tumor invading more than one adjacent subsite of supraglottis or glottis or region outside of supraglottis), with no regional nodal spread [1].

What does it mean to have a Laryngocele?

Laryngocele refers to dilatation of the saccule of the laryngeal ventricle and is unilateral in the vast majority of cases 8. On imaging, these lesions are generally characterized as well-defined, thin-walled, fluid or air-filled cystic lesions in the paraglottic space.

When to use a secondary Laryngocele in radiology?

Secondary laryngocele is the term used when a tumor is the cause of a laryngocele. Laryngoceles are better appreciated on radiographs when they contain air. In these cases, an air pocket may be observed in the upper cervical paralaryngeal soft tissues.

How is computed tomography used to diagnose laryngoceles?

Computed tomography of laryngoceles. Obstruction of the neck of the laryngocele by either tumor or chronic inflammation can result in a fluid-filled structure, producing on CT a well circumscribed mass of either near water or soft-tissue density, depending on its composition. CT proved useful in establishing the definitive diagnosis…

What are the three subtypes of the Laryngocele?

Three laryngocele subtypes are described 2: internal (or simple): the dilated ventricular saccule is confined to the paralaryngeal space; it is contained by the thyrohyoid membrane (~40%) external: the saccule herniates through the thyrohyoid membrane, and the superficial portion is dilated (~25%) Raised intralaryngeal pressure secondary to: