What is interfacial tension of transformer oil?

Interfacial tension describes the tension of the interface between two liquids, in this case between water and oil. Mineral transformer oil must feature a certain interfacial tension to prove that it has the conforming quality degree, is clean and free of impurities.

How do I reclaim my transformer oil?

Many transformer oil reclamation units dry the oil and achieve this by heating the oil and applying a vacuum to drive off moisture. Transformer oils are frequently reclaimed through filtration. This may take the form of centrifuging, vacuum dehydration or absorption with fuller’s earth or another activated media.

What is inhibitor content in transformer oil?

The purpose of the inhibitor is to prevent oxygen from reacting with the oil, thus slowing the aging rate of the oil (and also of the solid insulation). The two most common oxidation inhibitors used in transformer oils are 2,6-ditertiarybutyl para-cresol (DBPC) and 2,6-ditertiary-butyl phenol (DBP).

What is dissipation factor of transformer oil?

Value ranges for tan δ

Type Mineral oils in power transformers >170kV Ester oils in power transformers
Dielectric Dissipation factor tan δ < 0.2 Typischerweise <0.25
Insulating oil on Mineralölbasis
Typical fresh oil values <0.02

Why is interfacial tension important?

The interfacial tension plays an important role in many processes and phenomena where different phases touch one another: Emulsions and emulsifiability: The interfacial tension affects the emulsifiability and the tendency for the phases to separate.

What is meant by interfacial tension?

Interfacial tension is the force of attraction between the molecules at the interface of two fluids. At the air/liquid interface, this force is often referred to as surface tension.

What is oil reclamation?

Oil Reclamation Reclamation is the act of salvaging, recovering or reclaiming. In this context, the oil is temporarily rescued from normal degradation. It generally involves cleaning, drying and adsorption to remove water, acids, sludge and other contaminants.

What is oxidation of transformer oil?

Oil oxidation is an ongoing process that occurs in oil in all transformers, the by-products of which attack the transformer’s paper insulation. Oil oxidation is influenced by heat, oxygen and moisture, and facilitated by the presence of metal – copper in the case of a transformer.

What is dissipation factor formula?

The equation for the dissipation factor is the series resistance divided by the capacitive reactance or shown as DF = Rs/Xc. Another term that you may see more is the Q factor or quality factor. The Q factor is the mathematical reciprocal of the dissipation factor; as DF decreases QF increases.

What is interfacial tension?

Interfacial Tension (IFT) is generally defined as the accumulation of energy and the imbalance force at the interface of two different phases such as liquid–solid [4].

How is interfacial tension used in oil reclamation?

Interfacial tension (IFT) and acid numbers of insulating oil are correlated with the number of years that a transformer has been in service and are used as a signal for transformer oil reclamation. Oil sampling for IFT measurement calls for extra precautions due to its high sensitivity to various oil parameters and environmental conditions.

How is the interfacial tension of a transformer measured?

For years, measuring the interfacial tension (IFT) between the transformer oil and water according to the ASTM D971 standard [4] has been effectively used to monitor oil and transformer health.

How are interfacial tension results obtained using attained?

To transformer. The interfacial tension results obtained using attained for respective oil samples. Samples of oil spectral corresponding oil sample in mN/m. Results show the good lowest peak absorbance and the shortest bandwidth. Both can be seen in Fig.3.

How does the quality of oil affect a transformer?

The insulation and cooling properties of the transformer are effected by the quality of the oil. The quality of the oil is reduced by oxidization and contamination. The results of each of these can be summarized briefly as follows:
