What is Indian aesthetic called?

In Indian aesthetics, a rasa (Sanskrit: रस) literally means “juice, essence or taste”. It connotes a concept in Indian arts about the aesthetic flavour of any visual, literary or musical work that evokes an emotion or feeling in the reader or audience but cannot be described.

What are the 5 schools of Indian aesthetics?

Modern scholars has established following schools and theories ( 1) The Rasa theory, (2) The Alamkara theory, (3) The Dhvani theory, (4) The vakrokti theory, (5) The Riti theory, (6) The Aucitya theory, (7) The anumana theory.

What is Indian aesthetics attitude?

Indian aesthetics is a unique philosophical and spiritual point of view on art, architecture and literature. In Indian aesthetics, a rasa (Sanskrit: रस lit. These rasas comprise the components of aesthetic experience. The power to taste rasa is a reward for merit in some previous existence.

What is the earliest work of Indian aesthetics?

Indian aesthetics is earlier than the western aesthetics. Bharata was the first to write on aesthetics in Bharata’s Natya Shastra. mainly in terms of Literature, Drama and Dance. 7.

What is Dhvani?

Dhvani is an important concept in Sanskrit aesthetics. It literally means suggestion. Anandavardhana, the greatest exponent of dhvani, maintained that it is the soul of poetry. What is meant by dhvani is the layer of meaning beyond denotation and connotation and often becomes the very essence of a work of art.

What is dhwani in Indian aesthetics?

The kind of poetry where the conventional meaning is secondary or the conventional meaning of the words becomes secondary and the implied meaning becomes more important is called DHVANI or “Suggestive Poetry’.

What are the main aspects of Indian aesthetics?

The main characteristics of the style were: suggestion rather than statement, sensuality, great use of symbols, andsynaesthetic effects—that is, correspondence between words, colours and music. Music was used to establish mood.

What is dhwani by Anand Vardhan?

Dhvani school of poetry was formulated by Anandavardhana who wrote “Dhvanyaloka” in the middle of the 9th century. It brought focus on the potential power of the word in a kavya. Here, the word together with its literal sense forms the body of Kavya. In Vastu dhvani some rare fact or idea is implied.

Who propounded the theory of Dhvani?

820–890 CE) was the author of Dhvanyāloka, or A Light on Suggestion (dhvani), a work articulating the philosophy of “aesthetic suggestion” (dhvani, vyañjanā). The philosopher Abhinavagupta (c. 950 – 1016 CE) wrote an important commentary on it, the Locana, or The Eye.

Which is the best art according to Indian aesthetics?

According to Indian aesthetics which is purely spiritual both are the same. Hence the word Samadhi which means the dhi or intelligence which is balanced or made sama. ( samadhiyate iti samadhi ). The best art is the one intelligently and scientifically executed.

Where did aesthetics and ethics come from in India?

Aesthetics and ethics are not Indian categories; they come from the West. Aesthetics has a long and continuous history in the West with a long tradition of discussion of beauty and aesthetic experience from Plato to Immanuel Kant, John Ruskin, Leo Tolstoy and Thomas Munro.

What does Rasa stand for in Indian aesthetics?

In Indian aesthetics, a rasa (Sanskrit: रस lit. ‘juice’ or ‘essence’) denotes an essential mental state and is the dominant emotional theme of a work of art or the primary feeling that is evoked in the person that views, reads or hears such a work.

How does Indian aesthetics relate to the Vedas?

Indian aesthetics too derives its fundamentals from the Vedas. Two concept triads form the very foundation of Indian art. The first triad is that of Satyam, Ṣivam, Sundaram, which correspond to truth, purity/goodness and beauty1. These ideals used to describe the Absolute are also used to describe artistic manifestations.