What is included in a functional vision assessment?

The evaluation will include a functional evaluation of the students’s peripheral fields; color and contrast discrimination; near and distance acuity and discrimination; light sensitivity and preference; visual motility and will also include recommendations for instruction and accommodations.

How do you assess low vision?

Distance visual acuity should be measured with a pinhole to assess possible refractive error. A multiple pinhole is preferable for people with low vision. Ideally, near vision should be tested using passages of print (in the LogMAR format) but if not possible, letters, numbers or symbols can be used.

What is functional vision in low vision?

The functional vision assessment is a pivotal assessment for children who have low vision. It is an assessment of how a child uses the vision he or she has in everyday life, so it is usually not done with children who are totally blind or have light perception only.

How do you evaluate glare of low vision patients?

Glare disability can be tested objectively by using glare acuity tester and auto refractors, or subjectively by patients’ complaints, comparing the visual acuity with or without illumination in vision chart. – Contrast sensitivity is related to the visual functioning more closely than visual acuity.

What is a functional vision?

Functional vision is how your entire visual system—eyes, brain and the visual pathways between them—work together to help you move through and interact with your surroundings. Functional vision means that your student has good eye teaming, eye focusing and coordinated eye movement.

How do you test functional vision?

A Functional Vision Exam generally takes 60 – 90 minutes and includes a series of tests based on the patient’s individual needs. The doctor will first review the patient’s health and eye history, with emphasis on any visual problems and symptoms.

What are the assessment done in low vision cases?

The low vision assessment included distance and near visual acuity with best correction, visual field testing by confrontation, and contrast sensitivity testing using light-coloured objects against a dark background.

What can I expect at a low vision exam?

The low vision exam takes about 1 hour. We encourage you to discuss your specific vision goals with your eye doctor, such as reading, writing, recognizing faces, watching TV, or driving. The doctor will determine which specific areas of your vision (central or peripheral) may be lacking.

What is functional vision evaluation?

A Functional Vision Assessment is an evaluation of an individual’s visual strengths and limitations as they relate to the ability to interact with the visual environment – how they use their vision to function.

What visual skills should be assessed in functional vision?

These skills should be assessed after the assessment of the student’s ocular skills, visual acuity and visual fields.

  • Visual Perception:
  • Depth Perception:
  • Visual Discrimination.
  • Social Discrimination.
  • Color Vision.
  • Handwriting.
  • Use of Technology.