What is hysteresis in pharmacokinetics?

A hysteresis loop simply means that there is a time delay between the measured concentration and the effect response. Normally this means that the measured effect is indirectly affected by the measured concentration.

How do you remember the difference between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics?

Pharmacokinetics is the study of what the body does to the drug, and Pharmacodynamics is the study of what the drug does to the body. Another easy way to remember what pharmacokinetics means is to reference the definition of ‘kinetics’.

What is an example of pharmacokinetics?

Digoxin, particularly when given intravenously, is an example of a drug that is well described by two- compartment pharmacokinetics. After an intravenous dose is administered, plasma concentrations rise and then rapidly decline as drug distributes out of plasma and into muscle tissue.

What causes clockwise hysteresis?

Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Drug Interactions In contrast, clockwise hysteresis is observed when the drug effect wanes ahead of drug concentration and may be caused by development of tolerance, desensitization of receptors, or physiological counter-regulatory phenomenon (Fig. 6.6).

What does Emax mean?


Acronym Definition
EMAX Energy Modeling and Analysis Exercise (US NOAA)
EMAX Email Address Exchange Service

Is pharmacogenomics the same as pharmacogenetics?

Pharmacogenetics typically refers to effects involving a limited number of genes, often involving drug metabolism, whereas pharmacogenomics involves the study of complex multigene patterns within the genome.

What is pharmacokinetics phase?

Pharmacokinetic Phase. This phase describes the time course and disposition of a drug in the body, based on its absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. Definitions. • Pharmacokinetics: – describes what the body does to a drug.

Which is the correct definition of clockwise hysteresis?

clockwise hysteresis has been generally defined as the process in which effect increases with time for a given drug concentration.

How does counter clockwise hysteresis relate to drug concentration?

an indirect relationship. Counter-clockwise hysteresis has been generally defined as the process in which effect can increase with time for a given drug concentration, while in the case of clockwise hysteresis the measured effect decreases with time for a given drug concentration.

When does a system have a hysteresis loop?

Technically, a physical system has hysteresis when its output depends on both present and past inputs.

What kind of class is a system with hysteresis?

Systems with hysteresis can be categorized as either rate-dependent (where the system eventually ‘forgets’ past inputs) or rate-independent (where the system permanently retains that memory). Some literature restricts the definition to the rate-independent class.