What is gouging welding?

Gouging is the term to define a type of corrosion which occurs on a metallic surface in which a hole, groove or indentation is created. In welding, gouging has been a requirement for many years in several industries and applications – and is one method to scrutinise.

Can you arc gouge without air?

ZENA NO-Gas arc cutting/gouging rods let you gouge, bevel, and cut metal without needing a 300+ Amp air-arc gouging/cutting rig or an acetylene cutting torch and bulky gas bottles.

How does arc gouging work?

Air carbon arc gouging works as follows. An electric arc is generated between the tip of a carbon electrode and the workpiece. The metal becomes molten and a high velocity air jet streams down the electrode to blow it away, thus leaving a clean groove.

What is back gouging in welding?

marine. The removal of weld metal and base metal from the weld root side of a welded joint to facilitate complete fusion and complete joint penetration upon subsequent welding from that side. See also Gouging.

Why is gouging an important issue in welding?

Gouging and cutting metal are important operations in the welding world. Welders must often remove welds or metal to replace worn or defective parts, repair defects in a weld, or remove worn hardfaced deposits so new hardfacing can be reapplied.

How loud is carbon arc gouging?

Air carbon arc cutting and gouging is a welding process that exposes workers to hazardous sound levels from 108-120 dB(A). Welders who perform the gouging process and other workers in close proximity to the process are at risk for noise-induced hearing loss.

Can you gouge with AC welder?

The air carbon arc process can be used for cutting or gouging most of the common metals. Metals include: aluminums, copper, iron, magnesium, and carbon and stainless steels.

Can you arc gouge aluminum?

Plasma gouging works on any conductive metal, including mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper.

How many amps do you need to arc gouge?

Gouging Electrodes

ELECTRODE 5/32 3/16
MIN. AMPS DC 90 200
MAX. AMPS DC 150 250

How many CFM do I need for arc gouging?

12-15 cfm will work but will work the compressor full time. The bigger the compressor and the more tank you have the longer it will last and more efficiently it will work. Most work can be accomplished without opening the air all the way on the torch.

Can you air arc aluminum?

The air carbon arc process is inexpensive and efficient on all suitable metals. It is used for gouging and cutting magnesium, iron, copper, aluminum, and stainless and carbon steels.

How is carbon arc gouging used in welding?

Air carbon-arc gouging removes metal through the intense heat of an arc created between a carbon electrode and the workpiece. The air carbon-arc gouging process does not require oxidation to maintain the cut, so it can gouge or cut metals that the oxyfuel process cannot.

How does a stick welding power source work?

A stick welding power source is used with a carbon “straw” as the electrode, the arc creates the heat to melt the metal and compressed air is blown through the carbon to blow away the molten metal. I have also seen cutting electrodes at the store, but I don’t know much about them.

What should the pressure be on a welding gouge?

Set the air pressure to 80 to 100 psi, which is a flow sufficient enough to prevent trapping carbon in the gouge. In normal conditions, position the electrode so that no more than 7 in. of carbon sticks out past the torch head.

Can you cut steel with a stick welder?

Is this some sort of exotic technique or do they mean that if you screw up, you burn a hole in your work piece? Thanks! Yes you can cut steel with a stick welder using 6010 1/8 rod and having a large enough machine. We use this process on a regular basis at my “day” job.