What is generic class in C#?

Generic is a class which allows the user to define classes and methods with the placeholder. This means that you can put any object in a collection because all classes in the C# programming language extend from the object base class.

How do you write a generic class in C#?

First create a class as in the following code.

  1. class CompareClass {
  2. public bool Compare(string x, string y) {
  3. if (x.Equals(y)) return true;
  4. else return false;
  5. }
  6. public bool Compare(int x, int y) {
  7. if (x.Equals(y)) return true;
  8. else return false;

Can we inherit generic class in C#?

Inheritance With Generic Class in C# We can derive a generic class to make subclasses of it. In this example, we have made a subclass of a generic class and passed int during deriving it – class Derived: Generic . We can also make the derived class a generic class.

What is the generic class?

A Generic class simply means that the items or functions in that class can be generalized with the parameter(example T) to specify that we can add any type as a parameter in place of T like Integer, Character, String, Double or any other user-defined type.

What is generic and nongeneric in C#?

A Generic collection is a class that provides type safety without having to derive from a base collection type and implement type-specific members. A Non-generic collection is a specialized class for data storage and retrieval that provides support for stacks, queues, lists and hashtables.

How do you declare a generic property in C#?

“how to declare a generic property in c#” Code Answer’s

  1. Type generic = typeof(Dictionary<,>);
  2. // Create an array of types to substitute for the type parameters of Dictionary.
  3. Type[] typeArgs = { typeof(string), typeof(Test) };
  4. // Create a Type object representing the constructed generic type.

What is generic constraints in C#?

C# allows you to use constraints to restrict client code to specify certain types while instantiating generic types. It will give a compile-time error if you try to instantiate a generic type using a type that is not allowed by the specified constraints.

What is generic class and function?

Generics is the idea to allow type (Integer, String, … etc and user-defined types) to be a parameter to methods, classes and interfaces. We can use them for any type. The method of Generic Programming is implemented to increase the efficiency of the code.

What is non generic class in C#?

A Non-generic collection is a specialized class for data storage and retrieval that provides support for stacks, queues, lists and hashtables. The key difference between Generic and Non-generic Collection in C# is that a Generic Collection is strongly typed while a Non-Generic Collection is not strongly typed.

How are generic classes defined in C #?

C# allows you to define generic classes, interfaces, abstract classes, fields, methods, static methods, properties, events, delegates, and operators using the type parameter and without the specific data type. A type parameter is a placeholder for a particular type specified when creating an instance of the generic type.

How are type parameters used in generic classes?

Generic types can use multiple type parameters and constraints, as follows: Open constructed and closed constructed types can be used as method parameters: If a generic class implements an interface, all instances of that class can be cast to that interface. Generic classes are invariant.

When do generic classes inherit from open constructed types?

Generic classes that inherit from open constructed types must supply type arguments for any base class type parameters that are not shared by the inheriting class, as demonstrated in the following code:

How are generics used in programming in Java?

In other words, generics allow you to write a class or method that can work with any data type. You write the specifications for the class or the method, with substitute parameters for data types. When the compiler encounters a constructor for the class or a function call for the method, it generates code to handle the specific data type.