What is flash rear curtain sync?

Rear Curtain Sync is a flash sync mode. The shutter opens and closes for a length of time determined by the shutter speed that has been set. Rear Curtain Sync is when the flash fires at the end of the exposure, or at the rear curtain.

Does Nikon D5000 have built-in flash?

The Nikon D5000 has a 1/200 second maximum X-Sync speed, and its built-in flash is not FP-capable. Basically, this means that the on-board flash can’t sync at shutter speeds greater than 1/200 second. The hot shoe accommodates Nikon accessory flash units, as well as a wide range of third party flashes.

How do I use the flash on my Nikon camera?


  1. Press the Flash mode button to raise the flash.
  2. Choose a flash mode. Keeping the Flash mode button pressed, rotate the command dial until the desired flash mode appears in the information display.
  3. Take pictures. The flash will fire whenever a picture is taken.

Does Nikon D5000 shoot video?

The short version: The new Nikon D5000 is a D90 in D60 clothing. It shoots high-definition video and has a swiveling LCD screen on the back. The movie mode is the exact same one that you’ll find in the D90, shooting 720p video at 24fps.

How do you set rear curtain flash on Nikon D-SLR?

To set rear-curtain flash with the in-camera flash, pop the flash up and then hold down the flash button on the camera and rotate the rear command dial until it shows REAR on the camera’s back LCD or top display.

Can you use a pop up flash on a Nikon D-SLR?

To do this you need to set your camera to rear-curtain flash, as it will not be configured to do this ordinarily. Most Nikon D-SLRs have different flash modes which work with both the pop-up flash and Nikon Speedlights. The standard mode for the flash set-up is front curtain, denoted by the flash or lighting symbol on the display.

When to use rear curtain flash in photography?

One of the best ways to use rear-curtain flash is in when you have a low-light scene. You need some ambient light to help you capture the motion in the image, and the more ambient light you have, the better the motion trail is going to show up.