What is Flag Code MA on ERB?

Law enforcement investigation
b. “Law enforcement investigation” (Flag code M). Commanders must Flag Soldiers titled as possible subjects or 3 AR 600–8–2 • 11 May 2016 Page 8 suspects by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC) (or Service equivalent), military police, or civilian law enforcement during the course of an investigation.

What does reenlistment code 9B mean?

Adverse Action Flag
9B, Adverse Action Flag (Flag Codes A, U, and V). ( 19) 9Z, Weight (Does not meet acceptable weight standards). (

What is an Sfpa flag?

This supplement provides guidance and prescribes procedures governing Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (SFPA), generally referred to as a Flag, for the members of the ARNG/ARNGUS. The purpose of the Flag is to prevent certain favorable actions for a Soldier who may be in an unfavorable status.

How long does a flag stay on your ERB?

Active flags will then be reviewed and validated at least monthly by a soldier’s unit commander, and by the battalion-level commander when the flag has been in place for more than six months. Flags will be removed within three working days after a soldier’s status changes from unfavorable to favorable.

Can you ETS with a flag?

A: A FLAG stops all promotions. If you are in a promotable status, the orders should not be processed. If the FLAG is non-transferable, Soldiers will not be able to PCS. You cannot be held past your normal ETS date solely by a FLAG.

What is Erb code L?

L – Soldiers eligible for PCS reassignment, subject to normal time on station restrictions.

What does 9Z mean on my ERB?

9Z | Weight; does not meet acceptable weight standards.

Can you ETS if you are flagged?

Overweight flagged Soldiers who are permanently changing station (PCS) or have expiring terms of service (ETS) are not authorized to be recommended for or receive awards while they are flagged. These actions should be processed as separate and distinct actions from the award recommendation.

How do I know if I’m flagged in the army?

USPFO will tell you assuming you have access to it. It requires NIPR access through your state J6. If you’ve signed up on GoArmyEd, and you get flagged – GoArmyEd will email you and inform you that you’ve been flagged and your educational benefits will stop.

What does the BA flag mean on an ERB?

The BA flag is a nontransferable flag for an Involuntary Adverse Separationaction at the field level. So, that would jibe with what you are saying about the Command wanting to process you for misconduct. The HA, is a flag signifying punishment phase of an adverse action (that one, if you have not been awarded punishment, might be incorrect).

Can a soldier be flagged under Code E?

Soldiers undergoing processes for possible security violations will be flagged under code E until the Army’s investigation is complete. If the soldier is found not guilty, the flag will be lifted; if the soldier is guilty, the flag code changes to A.

Can a code a flag prevent you from reenlisting?

Soldiers processing for violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) will be flagged under code A and barred from reenlistment, extension and retirement. UCMJ flags prevent promotion and all other favorable personnel actions, including leave, passes and the receipt of awards.

Can a COC be flagged under code a?

Personally been flagged under code A with no explanation and denied advancement and never got pay reimbursed. But then again my CoC is toxic.. anyways only legit reason they have for not notifying you of a flag is if it could interfere with investigation. Always read up on your ARs and sham on buddy.