What is deployment descriptor in WebSphere?

A deployment descriptor is an extensible markup language (XML) file that describes how to deploy a module or application by specifying configuration and container options.

Which is the deployment descriptor?

A deployment descriptor (DD) refers to a configuration file for an artifact that is deployed to some container/engine. It directs a deployment tool to deploy a module or application with specific container options, security settings and describes specific configuration requirements.

How do I create a deployment descriptor?

To Create Deployment Descriptors Manually

  1. The JNDI name of the EJB. This can be any name you like, but it must match the JNDI name that other components of your application use when they refer your EJB.
  2. The JNDI name and resource reference name of the Micro Focus resource adapter.

What does a web application deployment descriptor describe?

Deployment descriptors A web application’s deployment descriptor describes the classes, resources and configuration of the application and how the web server uses them to serve web requests.

What is IBM Web BND xml?

The ibm-web-bnd.xml file provided binding between resource references used in web module and actual components, like datasouces, queues, etc. However since Java EE 6, you can actually use the lookup attribute from the @Resource annotation to provide them in the code.

What is Application xml file?

The application.xml file is the deployment descriptor for Enterprise Application Archives. The file is located in the META-INF subdirectory of the application archive.

What is deployment descriptor and explain its purpose?

The deployment descriptor is the file used by the servlet container to define which servlets match up with which URLs. It also defines which servlet or resource provides the landing page for the root of the service.

What is deployment descriptor in spring?

xml, also known as deployment descriptor, is traditionally used as a configuration file for Java web applications. It defines servlets, their mappings, servlet filters, lifecycle listeners and more. Originally it was the only way to provide such configuration.

Which file type should we select while creating deployment descriptor file?

The deployment descriptor is a file named web. xml . It resides in the app’s WAR under the WEB-INF/ directory. The file is an XML file whose root element is .

How do I create a deployment descriptor stub?

2 Answers. right click on “Deployment Descriptor: MyProject” and select “Generate Depoyment Descriptor Stub”. After that, you will see that web. xml has been created under the folder WebContent->WEB-INF.

Which of the following language is used in the web application deployment descriptor?

For web applications written using the Java programming language, the web application deployment descriptor is written using the EXtensible Markup Language (XML) syntax. The web application deployment descriptor is named web.

What is context root in WebSphere application server?

Context root is a unique string that is used to request a certain application. In this example, the context root is “/beta”, which is used to get the beta application. In the WebSphere admin console, expand Applications > All applications. Select your application.