What is Decidualization endometrium?

Decidualization refers to the functional and morphological changes that occur within the endometrium to form the decidual lining into which the blastocyst implants. These changes include the recruitment of leukocytes and, importantly, the differentiation of endometrial stromal fibroblast cells (ESCs) into DSCs.

What is the difference between decidua and endometrium?

The decidua is the specialized layer of endometrium that forms the base of the placental bed. The corpus luteum of the ovary (and later, the placenta itself) produces progesterone that induces endometrial stromal cells to undergo cellular modifications and vascular alterations termed the ‘decidual reaction.

What causes Decidualization of endometrium?

Decidualization occurs in response to elevated levels of the ovarian steroid hormones, E2 and progesterone. Hormonal changes are required in order to support the differentiation that is necessary for implantation during the menstrual cycle.

What happens Decidualization?

The decidual reaction is seen in very early pregnancy in the generalized area where the blastocyst contacts the endometrial decidua. It consists of an increase in secretory functions of the endometrium at the area of implantation, as well as a surrounding stroma that becomes edematous.

What is the meaning of Decidualization?

Decidualization is a process that results in significant changes to cells of the endometrium in preparation for, and during, pregnancy. Decidualization is required in some mammalian species where embryo implantation and trophoblast cell invasion of the endometrium occurs, also known as hemochorial placentation.

What is the decidua Capsularis?

Medical Definition of decidua capsularis : the part of the decidua in the pregnant human female that envelops the embryo Common wisdom holds that by the fourth month of human pregnancy the decidua capsularis fuses with the decidua vera, thereby obliterating the uterine cavity.—

What is the Decidualization process?

What is the definition of decidua?

1 : the part of the endometrium that in higher placental mammals undergoes special modifications in preparation for and during pregnancy and is cast off at parturition. 2 : the part of the endometrium cast off in the process of menstruation.

What does decidualization of the endometrial stroma mean?

Decidualization denotes the transformation of the endometrial stroma into the decidual matrix that supports embryo implantation and subsequent placenta formation. This process is foremost characterized by the differentiation of endometrial stromal cells (EnSCs) into secretory decidual cells ( Gellersen and Brosens, 2014 ).

What are the changes in morphology associated with decidualization?

The changes in morphology associated with decidualization have been studied in detail in laboratory rodents but are thought to be basically similar in most species. The earliest macroscopically identifiable event is an increase in endometrial vascular permeability that results in the development of stromal edema.

When does decidualization occur in a non menstruating species?

In menstruating species, decidualization is spontaneous and occurs as a result of maternal hormones. In non-menstruating species, decidualization is non-spontaneous, meaning it only happens after there external signals from an implanted embryo.

What happens to stromal cell proliferation after decidualization?

Steroid-dependent stromal cell proliferation is reduced in Hoxa-10 knockouts, with a lower level of cyclin D3 in stroma 1 day after the initiation of decidualization.