What is Cyanex 272?

CYANEX® 272 is a dialkyl phosphinic acid extractant widely used for the separation of cobalt from nickel to produce high purity cobalt salts and cobalt metal. Since the active component of CYANEX® 272 extractant is a phosphinic acid, metals are extracted through a cation exchange mechanism.

What Cyanex 923?

CYANEX 923 extractant is a liquid phosphine oxide which has potential applications in the solvent extraction recovery of both organic and inorganic solutes from aqueous solution, e.g. carboxylic acids from effluent streams and the removal of arsenic impurities from copper electrolytes.

How do you separate cobalt and nickel?

Most commonly, nickel and cobalt are dissolved in an acidic solution and separated by solvent extraction. There are many papers describing this process. It may also be possible to heat the powder in an oxidizing atmospher to convert the metals to oxides.

What is Acorga M5640?

Amongst the ACORGA reagents, M5640 is one of the most widely used Cu(II) extractants on commercial levels [8], [9]. It is a strong Cu(II) extractant with the presence of a fatty ester to modify stripping characteristics.

Is nickel magnetic?

Magnetism. Nickel is one of only four metals that are ferromagnetic, meaning they are attracted to magnets and are magnetic themselves. The others are iron, cobalt and gadolinium.

How do you separate cobalt?

The roasted ores can be treated with hydrochloric acid and chlorine or with sulfuric acid to give a leach solution that can be purified by hydrometallurgical methods and from which cobalt can be recovered by electro refining or by carbonate precipitation.

Is nickel toxic?

While nickel can be naturally found in water and soil, it is often encountered in areas with human pollution. In small quantities, it is eliminated through urine or the intestinal tract; in larger doses, however, it is toxic and may cause serious health conditions: Contact dermatitis. Lung cancer.

Will nickel rust?

Though nickel is resistant to corrosion and wear, over time it can become dull and start to tarnish. Nickel is often lacquered in an effort to help keep dulling at bay or at least, slow down this process.

How much is cobalt worth?

Cobalt Price

Year Price Price (Inflation Adjusted)
2018 $80,490.68 $80,490.68
2017 $37,347.38 $38,243.72
2016 $23,861.40 $24,996.06
2015 $33,864.20 $36,290.42

How is cobalt refined?

Production of Cobalt Cobalt naturally occurs in nickel-bearing laterites and nickel-copper sulfide deposits and, thus, is most often extracted as a by-product of nickel and copper. Cobalt metal can then be refined from this using electrolysis, before being crushed and degassed to produce a pure, commercial-grade metal.

Does the human body need nickel?

Nickel is also an micronutritient essential for proper functioning of the human body, as it increases hormonal activity and is involved in lipid metabolism. This metal makes it’s way to the human body through respiratory tract, digestive system and skin.