What is contact cleaner 2000 used for?

Product description Contact Cleaner 2000 is an aggressive advanced COzol technology alternative precision cleaner designed to remove contaminants from electrical and electronic equipment. It provides an effective alternative to HCFC 141b-based cleaners when sensitive plastics are not a concern.

What is CRC Contact Cleaner?

CRC CO Contact Cleaner is a plastic-safe general-purpose evaporating cleaner and degreaser for use on sensitive electronic and electrical equipment. It is formulated to quickly penetrate into hard-to-reach areas and effectively flush away carbon deposits, dirt, light oils, dust, lint and other light contaminants.

Is electrical cleaner safe on plastic?

Suitable for cleaning sensitive electronics and electrical equipment. Evaporates quickly, leaves no residue and is safe to use on all plastics. Use where lower flashpoint cleaners are acceptable.

Is electronic cleaner the same as contact cleaner?

A contact cleaner (also called electrical cleaner, switch cleaner, electrical contact cleaner, and specific for automotive repair, battery terminal cleaner) is a solvent cleaner designed to remove contamination from electrical contacts, the conductive surfaces of connectors, switches and other electrical and electronic …

Can I use alcohol instead of contact cleaner?

The 100% alcohol would be considered as the ideal material to clean any electronic contacts as they evaporate quickly and leave no residue behind.

What is a good substitute for contact cleaner?

Pure isopropyl alcohol and nail polish remover are good alternative products. Contact cleaner substitutes can cause damage to your guitar’s finish if mishandled.

Can I use wd40 to clean electrical contacts?

WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner is safe for all electrical contacts, even sensitive electronics. Do not use WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner directly on certain vehicle sensors, such as MAF sensors, which require MAF cleaner.

Is CRC same as WD40?

wheels. CRC666 is based on Paraffin oil (which is basically Kerosene) and WD40 is based on Baby oil and Vasoline. CRC has a Saltwater protection rating of 65hrs. WD40 has several rather long worded additives, all belonging to the Alkane family.

Is CRC or WD40 better?

WD 40 is a petroleum based water displacement oil and works fairly well as a light lubricant but, as a lubricant requires frequent application. CRC 6-56 is a silicone based product, displaces water/moisture, doesn’t cause rubber to crack, and it’s film lasts much longer than WD40’s does.

Can you use wd40 on electronics?

WD-40® Specialist® Electronics and Electrical Parts Cleaner will help you remove dirt, dust and oils from your sensitive electronics and connections. For your fast-moving motors, stuck switches, controls, and other long-lasting lubricant needs, use WD-40® Specialist® Spray & Stay Gel Lubricant. It won’t run or drip.