What is considered a non human primate?

Primate species in research include rhesus macaques, crab-eating macaques, stump-tailed macaques, pig-tailed macaques, squirrel monkeys, owl monkeys, baboons, chimpanzees, marmosets and spider monkeys.

What is the difference between primates and non human primates?

The main difference between primates and non primates is that primates possess a voluminous and complicated forebrain whereas non-primates possess a small brain. Some primate species possess a prehensile tail. Though most non-primates possess a small brain, some non-primates are pretty intelligent as primates.

What are some examples of non human primates?

The nonhuman primate species most widely used in research include:

  • macaques. Macaca mulatta (rhesus monkey) M fascicularis (cynomolgus monkey)
  • some African species. Chlorocebus aethiops (African green monkey, vervet monkey) Papio spp (baboons)
  • some South American species. Saimiri sciureus (squirrel monkey)

Why are non human primates?

Why do we use non-human primates? Monkeys and apes are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, and because of their high cognitive abilities and complex social behaviour, biomedical research using these animals requires additional justification and high welfare standards.

How many non-human primates are there?

The number varies depending on whether closely related groups are considered to be varieties of each other or distinct species. Some taxonomic splitters classify up to 350 species, while lumpers include as few as 190. Most estimates are in the range of 230-270.

What are non primates?

Non-primates are any animals that do not show the features of a primate. Birds, reptiles, amphibians, and some non-primate mammals. They possess non-prehensile limbs or tails. Some non-primates such as insects have jointed appendages.

What are non-primate vertebrates?

Non-primates are animals which do not include characteristics similar to primates. Birds, reptiles and amphibians belong to this group. Some mammals are also considered as non-primates.

Which is an example of a non-primate?

Non Primates: Non-primates refer to any animal that is not a primate. Primates: Humans, apes, monkeys, chimpanzees, gorilla, lemur, baboon, and orangutan are examples of primates. Non Primates: Birds, reptiles, amphibians, and some mammals are non-primates.

Are there restrictions on the import of nonhuman primates?

Increased restrictions on exportation or reduced availability of nonhuman primates from countries of origin have led to decreased importation. Importation of nonhuman primates into the USA is prohibited except for scientific, educational, and exhibition purposes.

What kind of social system does a primate have?

Non-human primates have at least four types of social systems, many defined by the amount of movement by adolescent females between groups. Most primate species remain at least partly arboreal: the exceptions are some great apes, baboons, and humans, who left the trees for the ground and now inhabit every continent.

How long do nonhuman primates stay in quarantine?

The basic principle of quarantine is to completely isolate each group of animals and not mix animals from different shipments or sources without restarting the quarantine period. Nonhuman primates imported into the USA must undergo a 31-day minimum primary import quarantine in a facility registered with the CDC.