What is community infrastructure levy charge?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge that local authorities can set on new development in order to raise funds to help fund the infrastructure, facilities and services – such as schools or transport improvements – needed to support new homes and businesses.

What can the community infrastructure levy be used for?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (the levy) came into force in April 2010. It allows local authorities in England and Wales to raise funds from developers undertaking new building projects in their area. The money can be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure that is needed as a result of development.

What is a CIL levy charge?

CIL is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The money should be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhoods want.

Are charities are exempt from CIL?

Under the CIL Regulations certain development by charities is exempt from CIL and development of social (affordable) housing is subject to 100% relief. In addition, the council has approved a Discretionary Charitable Relief Policy.

Do homeowners pay CIL?

Landowners are ultimately liable for the levy, but anyone involved in a development may take on the liability to pay.

Do I have to pay CIL?

The responsibility to pay CIL runs with the ownership of the land on which the liable development will be situated. However, others involved in the development, such as developers, may wish to pay. Liability can be transferred at any time prior to the final payment being due.

Do you pay CIL on change of use?

Q: Is CIL payable on change of use? A planning application for the change of use of an existing building will not be liable to CIL unless it involves an extension which provides 100 square metres or more of additional floorspace, or involves the creation of a new dwelling even when it is below 100 square metres.

Do I have to pay CIL charge?

The responsibility to pay CIL sits with the ownership of the land on which the liable development is located. However, others parties involved in the development, such as developers, may wish to pay a proportion of the CIL.

What triggers CIL?

CIL Triggers CIL liability is not triggered by a material start: it is triggered by the date given in a commencement notice (unless the notice is withdrawn in advance) or, in the absence of advance notice, the deeming of a commencement date by the collecting authority.

Do I have to pay Community Infrastructure Levy?

When do I pay? The Community Infrastructure Levy must be paid before a building permit for the construction of a new house can be issued. The levy is mandated by Section 24(5) of the Building Act 1993.

What is a CIL self build exemption?

‘Self Build’ for the purposes of CIL exemption is defined as all homes built or commissioned by individuals or groups of individuals for their own use, either by building the home on their own or working with builders.

What happens if CIL is not paid?

When you fail to pay CIL a collecting authority may seek a court’s consent to seize and sell your assets to recover the money due. These assets may include any land you hold. The collecting authority must send you notice of its intention to do so beforehand.

How does the Community Infrastructure Levy ( CIL ) work?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy which local authorities and the Mayor of London can charge on developments to fund infrastructure needed in the local area. It largely replaces the system whereby developers negotiate infrastructure payments on a project by project basis.

Where does Wandsworth Council get its money from?

In Wandsworth these funds are referred to as the Wandsworth Local Fund (WLF). The council has approved the boundaries for CIL neighbourhoods in Wandsworth, which will be used to monitor CIL revenues and in the allocation of The Wandsworth Local Fund in accordance with the wishes of the neighbourhoods.

When was the CIL introduced in Wandsworth London?

In London, the Mayor can also introduce a CIL. The Mayor’s CIL was introduced on 1 April 2012. In Wandsworth the Mayoral CIL is set at £50 per sq m for most types of development, however this will change with the adoption and coming into effect of the Mayor’s new CIL charging schedule on Monday 1 April 2019.