What is colposcopy for HPV?

Colposcopy (kol-POS-kuh-pee) is a procedure to closely examine your cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease. During colposcopy, your doctor uses a special instrument called a colposcope. Your doctor may recommend colposcopy if your Pap test result is abnormal.

How painful is a colposcopy?

A colposcopy is nearly pain-free. You might feel pressure when the speculum goes in. It might also sting or burn a little when they wash your cervix with the vinegar-like solution. If you get a biopsy, you might have some discomfort.

What does a colposcopy check for?

A colposcopy is used to find cancerous cells or abnormal cells that can become cancerous in the cervix, vagina, or vulva. These abnormal cells are sometimes called “precancerous tissue.” A colposcopy also looks for other health conditions, such as genital warts or noncancerous growths called polyps.

Should I worry about HPV positive?

If you have HPV, there’s a very good chance it won’t be a long-term problem for you.” Your immune system will attack the virus and it will likely be gone within two years. Of the millions of cases of HPV diagnosed every year, only a small number become cancer. Most of those cases are cervical cancer.

Do they sedate you for colposcopy?

You typically don’t need to fast, nor do you require sedation for a colposcopy. Preparation for a colposcopy involves taking steps to ensure that we can get a clear view of your cervix. This requires scheduling your colposcopy at a time when you’re not having your period.

What do students need to know about ICAN?

ICAN provides materials that assist students in studying and preparing for the Examinations, these includes Study Packs, Pathfinders and Mock Questions and Answers.

How to become a co-op therapist with ICAN?

The ICAN has sole responsibility for the certification of CO-OP therapists. Once you have completed a 3-day CO-OP course (Basics and Consolidation), you are eligible for our online CO-OP Therapist Certification Course. Find pre-requisites and the paths to reach our CO-OP Therapist Certification Course.

Who are the course takers for ICAN cognitive orientation?

Course-takers are health care professionals such as, but not limited to, occupational therapists, physical therapists, teachers, psychometricias and psychologists. Get started with CO-OP training. Find the right course for you. Online courses are available in collaboration with the University of Toronto.