What is Biba plant?

Biba/Bhilava (Semecarpus anacardium) plant has medicinal properties, which are extremely beneficial in diseases like piles, colitis, diarrhea, dyspepsia, ascites, tumors and worms. The common practice of removing the shell of biba fruit is by hammering, but this causes infection in the hands of workers due to biba oil.

What is Bibba in Marathi?

Bibba (Marathi: बिब्बा) | Anacardiaceae (cashew family) » Se…

What is godambi in Marathi?

Godambi – Marking Nut Means in Marathi inner kernel of Bibba, an identical cousin from the cashew nut family available from Konkan.

What is Bhilamo?

Description. Bhilamo, Bhilawa Seeds, Bilava Beej, Bhilava, Bilawa, Semecarpus Anacardium Seed is used as a cardiac stimulant, enhancer of white blood cells. In women, it stimulates the uterus due to its hot potency. In men it is used for improving sperm count and sexual power.

What is carpus Ana Cardium?

L.f. Semecarpus anacardium, commonly known as the marking nut tree, phobi nut tree and varnish tree, is a native of India, found in the outer Himalayas to the Coromandel Coast.

What is Cherkuru?

Malayalam Name(s): Alakkucheru, Cherkuru, Cheru, Cherumaram, Perkuru, Sambiri, Temprakku, Thenkotta. Tamil name(s): Bhallatak. English name(s): Marking nut tree, Oriental cashew.

Why is it called marking nut?

INTRODUCTION. Marking nut (Semecarpus anacardium), so-called because it contains a pigment that has been used in the past to mark fabrics, is a known cause of contact hypersensitivity. It may be ingested as an ingredient of some traditional Hindi foods, and is related to cashew.

What is Ker BEEJ called in English?

Popularly and quite aptly dubbed as “the magic velvet bean”, “Kaunch Beej” or simply “Kaunch”, “Konch”, “Kevanch” as termed in Hindi, is called “Cowhage”, “Cowitch” in English, “Kapikacchu” in Sanskrit and holds the botanical nomenclature Mucuna pruriens.

What is Bhilawa seed?

Trust Herbs Bhilawa Seeds can help treat ailments associated with the Kapha dosha in body. Marking nut seeds can prove helpful in treating leukoderma, allergic, scaly skin, dermatitis, leprosy, toxic bites, cough, stomach upset and asthma. Applying its oil on swollen joints and wounds effectively controls the pain.

What is Bhallataka in Ayurveda?

Bhallataka, commonly known as Marking nut is one of the most widely used herb in Ayurvedic treatments. The name Bhallataka means that the plant is very sharp like that of spear. Anacardium indicates the heart like shape of seed. Bhallataka is one of the major herbs used by our Acharyasfor anti-inflammatory purposes.

What is godambi for?

The seed inside the Semecarpus Anacardium or Bhilawa beeji is also known as “Godambi” is widely used in India as dry fruit. Reports have shown the remarkable impact on illnesses associated with the heart, blood pressure, respiration, cancer and neurological disorders.