What is an ultra bronze tanning bed?

UltraBronz Beds The UltraBronz tan takes only 3-4 sessions within a 7-12 day period and only 2-3 sessions a month to maintain a gorgeous, natural-looking tan while lying on a soft, contoured mattress. UltraBronz can give you color that you may have been unable to obtain before with conventional sun beds.

What does a bronzing tanning bed do?

Bronzing beds contain 2% UVB rays or less. They will bronze the melanin deep in your skin as well as the top layer of dead skin, developing a long lasting tan but also providing an immediate bronzing effect.

Are bronzing tanning beds safer?

While bronzer tanning beds do not emit nearly as much UV radiation as the sun, they can still cause skin damage. Even after years of use, there is still much debate regarding whether indoor tanning is a safer alternative to natural sunlight.

Can you burn in an ultra bronze bed?

With the UltraBronz filter system, there is virtually no risk of burning. Virtually all of the UV B (burning) rays are filtered out. By using UV A rays, you can tan with less risk of harming your skin.

How long should you stay in a bronzing bed?

Initially, your first tanning session should only last from 6 to 8 minutes. You may need to stay at this time for several sessions before bumping it up. If ever your skin is burned, wait till the burn is completely gone before tanning again, and bump your time down.

Can you get burned in a bronzing bed?

UV-A radiation in tanning beds can be 10 to 15 times more powerful than the sun at midday, according to a congressional report. What’s more, many tanning beds boast the fact that they do not feature UV-B rays, which cause sunburn.

How long does it take to get tan in a bronzing bed?

Using tanning lotions or creams before you enter a tanning bed can help you achieve a base tan in 4 to 6 minutes.