What is an example of acquisition in classical conditioning?
For example, if you are training a dog to salivate to a sound, the acquisition will be more likely if the sound is noticeable and unexpected. The sound of a bell will produce a better result than a quiet tone or a neutral sound that the animal hears regularly.
What is trace eyeblink conditioning?
Trace eyeblink conditioning is a technique that is frequently employed to understand the neural mechanisms that underly motor learning. It is classical conditioning of learning and memory which works in both human and animal subjects.
How does the object repository work in QTP?
Object Repository is a collection of object and properties with which QTP will be able to recognize the objects and act on it. When a user records a test, the objects and its properties are captured by default. Without understanding objects and its properties, QTP will NOT be able to play back the scripts.
When do you use descriptive programming in QTP?
Descriptive programming is used when an object is not stored in the object repository. So QTP will not search for object properties in object repository but will take from descriptive programming statement. Descriptive programming can be used in two ways.
Which is the default way of object identification in QTP?
QTP is also called advanced keyword driven testing tool. It was designed by Mercury and acquired by Hewlett Packard (HP) later. Object Repository is the default way of object identification in QTP. Here the properties and values of every objects are stored in storage place of QTP i.e object repository.
How are childobjects and parent objects used in QTP?
QTP provides the ChildObjects method, which enables us to create a collection of objects. The parent objects precedes ChildObjects. Descriptive programming is used to write the script based on ordinal identifiers, which will enable QTP to act on those objects when two or more objects have the same properties.