What is an agronomic trait?

Agronomic traits such as plant height, harvest index (HI), total biomass, number of productive tillers, grain number per spike, spike length (SL), number of kernels per spike, thousand seed weight, and grain weight per spike; and physiological traits such as canopy temperature (CT), chlorophyll content, photosynthetic …

What is a crop trait?

The traits that are currently available include herbicide tolerance, insect tolerance and disease tolerance. There are also crops that have been developed that improve nutritive value of foods, some of which are close to being commercialized. Herbicide tolerance is often seen as only beneficial to the farmer.

What are the agronomic crops?

A wide variety of agronomic crops are grown in the United States, including corn, soybean, small grains, specialty crops such as malting barley, canola, and industrial hemp, rye, and wheat.

What are physiological traits in plants?

Plants produce hormones and other growth regulators which act to signal a physiological response in their tissues. They also produce compounds such as phytochrome that are sensitive to light and which serve to trigger growth or development in response to environmental signals.

What is desirable agronomic traits?

Answer: Desirable agronomic characteristics are: (i) Tallness and profuse branching are desirable characters for fodder crops. (ii) Dwarfness is desired in cereals, so that less nutrients are consumed by these crops.

What are the agronomic characteristics for crop improvement?

What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop…

  • Tallness and profuse branching are desirable characters for fodder crops.
  • Dwarfness is desired in cereals, so that fewer nutrients are consumed by these crops.
  • Improved nutritional content.
  • Short height or dwarfness.
  • Increased resistance against pests.

What traits did corn pick?

Selective breeding of corn was originally done by ancient farmers by choosing kernels with specific traits such as the ability to grow well in various climates, soil types and produced the largest number of kernels. A kernel is a seed that has resulted from a female egg fertilised by a male pollen grain.

What are the 10 agronomic crops?

On the basis of this classification, major types of agronomic crops can be cereal, oil seed crop, pulses, fibre crops, sugar crops, forage crops, medicinal crops, roots and tuber crops, vegetable or garden crops, etc. All these crops are indispensable part of our life due to their various usage.

What is agronomic crop works?

Agronomy is the application of plant and soil science to crop production. Forage plants and hay crops are also considered agronomic crops and are the feed base for the ruminant livestock industry on pastures and rangeland. Horticultural crops are used to diversify human diets and to enhance our living environment.

What is physiological trait?

Physiological traits are the physical traits of an individual, such as fingerprint, hand and palm geometry, ear, facial pattern, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), retina, palm vein and finger vein authentication, voice/speech, Odor, ECG, Iris. From: Expert Systems with Applications, 2020.

What are psychological traits?

A trait is a distinguishing characteristic, feature or quality. In psychological terms, we usually think about personality traits and behavioral characteristics that define an individual. Psychologists often refer to personality traits or characteristics.

What are the agronomic characteristics of cereals?

Cereal crops grown to produce grains need to be with shorter height cultivated through dwarfism so that they will require a lesser amount of water and nutrients to grow. The cereal grains also should have desirable qualities like good nutrient content, pale color, good aroma, bulk density etc.

Which is an example of an agronomic trait?

Many important agronomic traits such as yield, plant height, nutrient content are complex quantitative traits that are controlled by multiple loci. Natural genetic variation has been exploited to obtain desirable traits for crop improvement (Alonso-Blanco & Koornneef, 2000 ).

How does corn grow during the growing season?

Throughout the growing season, the corn plant undergoes a series of developmental stages as it grows from a seed at planting to a tall plant with an ear at harvest. The following information highlights various stages of growth and development of corn throughout the growing season and various problems during planting and germination.

Why do corn plants have less uniform stands?

Due to this, the left row has a less uniform stand. This is due to cool soil temperatures as the residue inhibits penetration of heat from the sun. Residue will not only further delay emergence, but can also cause uneven stands, which can also decrease yields.

Which is the first leaf on a corn plant?

When determining the number of leaves on a corn plant, the flag leaf should be the first leaf counted. This picture illustrates a corn plant with the seed exposed at V1.