What is all about better care?

Our story. Better transforms healthcare organisations with their market-leading open data platform putting organisations in control of their data, workflows and transformation plans in order to make patients’ care better.

Why is information needed in health and social care?

By using information about the care you have received, those involved in providing care and health services can see how well they are doing, and where improvements need to be made.

Why is it important to share information in healthcare?

There are a host of potential benefits for patients’ health and well-being when providers can share healthcare data. It could reduce doctor visits, emergency room visits, and hospital admissions. Shared health and medical information could avoid medication errors and decreases the possibility of duplicate testing.

Why patient information is important?

The information can be used to help: understand more about disease risks and causes. improve diagnosis. develop new treatments and prevent disease.

What is better care network?

The Better Care Network is an interagency network facilitating global information exchange and collaboration on the issue of children without adequate family care.

What does quality mean in health and social care?

Quality in healthcare means providing the care the patient needs when the patient needs it, in an affordable, safe, effective manner. Quality healthcare also means engaging and involving the patient, so the patient takes ownership in preventive care and in the treatment of diagnosed conditions.

Why is IT important to ask information about your health?

Health IT and patient portals enable individuals to access their own health data. Providing patients with access to their health information is necessary in delivering high quality care and to ensure patients get efficient care where and when they need it.

How is information used in healthcare?

Health information systems help gather, compile and analyze health data to help manage population health and reduce healthcare costs. Then the healthcare data analysis can improve patient care. Clinical decision support systems can use big data to help diagnose individual patients and treat them.

Why is it important to share data?

Collaboration. Data sharing encourages more connection and collaboration between researchers, which can result in important new findings within the field. Data sharing allows researchers to build upon the work of others rather than repeat already existing research.

How does information sharing empower individuals?

It allows people to discuss and share information. This makes sure people have a good understanding of the benefits, harms and possible outcomes of different options. It empowers people to make decisions about the treatment and care that is right for them at that time.

Why is IT important to protect patient information?

Patient confidentiality is necessary for building trust between patients and medical professionals. Patients are more likely to disclose health information if they trust their healthcare practitioners. Trust-based physician-patient relationships can lead to better interactions and higher-quality health visits.