What is agneau?

Word forms: agneau, plural agneaux. animal) lamb.

Is agneau feminine or masculine in French?

Is agneau feminine or masculine in French?

French English
2. souris d’agneau (feminine noun) lamb shanks (noun)
3. côtelette d’agneau (feminine noun) lamb chop
4. gigot d’agneau (masculine noun) leg of lamb
5. viande d’agneau (feminine noun) lamb

Is Crevette masculine or feminine in French?

How to identify feminine French nouns

Noun Ending Examples
-ette crevette (shrimp), chaussette (sock), baguette (baguette)
-ie comédie (comedy), industrie (industry), démographie (demography)
-sion prévision (forecast), compréhension (understanding), révision (revision)

What is boeuf English?

boeuf. noun. beef [noun] the flesh of a bull, cow or ox, used as food.

What is the meaning of veau?

veau – meat from a calf. veal. calf – young of domestic cattle. meat – the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food. cut of veal – cut of meat from a calf.

Where do crevettes come from?

They are imported from South East Asia and South America, with little visibility of competent regulation and evidence showing that the farming methods used are environmentally damaging and poorly managed.

What is the meaning of La viande?

la viande. the meat food; the flesh food.

What is French Lapin?

noun, plural lap·ins [lap-inz; French la-pan]. a rabbit. rabbit fur, especially when trimmed and dyed.

What is the feminine of Taureau in French?

Using different words for masculine and feminine : un taureau => une vache (a bull = > a cow).

Is veau a word?

young cow A calf is a young cow.

What is the meaning of the French word Agneau?

A Quick Overview Of Agneau. ‘Agneau’ *(m) is the French word for ‘lamb’. Côtelettes d’agneau’ are lamb chops, or literally, ‘chops of lamb’. Note that ‘agneau’ and ‘côtelettes’ are nouns, which is why they do not have to agree in gender.

What’s the difference between Agneau and Cotelettes?

‘Agneau’ * (m) is the French word for ‘lamb’. Côtelettes d’agneau ‘ are lamb chops, or literally, ‘chops of lamb’. Note that ‘agneau’ and ‘côtelettes’ are nouns, which is why they do not have to agree in gender.

What’s the French name for a leg of lamb?

What is le gigot d’agneau? “Le gigot d’adneau” is French for “leg of lamb”. Lamb is an incredibly common main dish for Easter celebrations in France, and in much of Europe.