What is a soul patch goatee?

A soul patch is a small hair tuft connecting a wearer’s goatee to their lower lip, and it’s a pretty easy style to achieve and maintain – indeed, soul patches have even been described as ‘training wheels’ for a full-on beard, although some more advanced goatee wearers may be a little offended at the accusation.

What is the difference between a soul patch and a goatee?

Goatee styles Also called a “chin puff” or “chin strip”. (Also see: goatee.) A beard style incorporating hair on the chin but not the cheeks. A soul patch is grown just below the lower lip, but does not grow past the chin (i.e., goat patch).

What does a soul patch signify?

The soul patch is right for you. You’re trying to say you are laid back yet deep. This choice of facial hair gives you a touch of rebellion and delusion. If you add a turtleneck and some tinted shades, you are on your way to elitism. Don’t look into the eyes of someone with a soul patch; your soul will be taken.

Is a soul patch still in style?

The soul patch is one of the best facial hair styles if you want something that requires minimal maintenance. If you’re wondering what a soul patch is – it’s a type of “beard” that requires a cluster of hair under your chin. No wonder soul patch styles are making a comeback.

Why is it called soul patch?

The soul patch has its roots in the beatnik fashion of the fifties, when hipsters and artists artfully cultivated hair under their lip. The facial hair was associated with the artistic intensity of the beatniks and jazz. From there, it was easy for the jazz dab to become the soul patch.

Do soul patch look good?

Growing a soul patch on its own is best for creating a thin and sleek appearance, while combining it with more facial hair can create an elegant look suitable for older guys. Whatever your desired look, there’s probably a soul patch style with your name on it.

Is the soul patch out of style?

When it comes to getting the most bang for your buck, the soul patch is the style of facial hair that takes the cake. The soul patch is a classic look which, like the moustache, goes in and out of style with time, but always seems to make a comeback.

Why is a soul patch called a soul patch?

How do you fill a soul patch?

How to grow a soul patch beard

  1. Using a full-size trimmer, bring your facial hair down to around 3-5mm, leaving the hair on the soul patch region under your lip longer.
  2. Use your precision trimmer to trim the hairs on your chin, until you’re left with a tuft of hair just under your bottom lip.

Should I shave off my soul patch?

Don’t trim away the beardiest parts Soul patch, flavor saver, the mouche (???) —whatever the name, it isn’t a beard so much as a prolapsed mustache.

Why do soul patches exist?

What does it mean to have a soul patch?

To understand the soul patch, we have to learn where it comes from. The true soul patch—the one that deserves the moniker—isn’t compromised by the presence of distracting sideburns, mustaches, or other facial hair. It’s a small, tidy nest of hair below the lower lip, and that’s it.

Can you wear a soul patch without a mustache?

There’s no restriction to the quantity of ways you can don a soul patch. With or without a mustache, goatee beard style, beard style without sideburns, short or long hair, full beard without mustache, the soul patch is adaptable for any men’s style.

Is there such thing as a soul patch beard?

A. NO… a soul patch is a simple, minor patch of beard that grows up in the central part of your lower lip, as well as the chin, is called a Soul Patch beard style.

Is the hair below the lip called a soul patch?

Similarly, the hair below the lip is called the mouche (French for fly), but the term mouche is usually used in combination with other facial hair. A mouche in combination with a goatee or long sideburn may be innovative, but for our purposes, it is not a soul patch.