What is a shoulder Bankart repair?

A Bankart repair is a surgical procedure to prevent recurring anterior shoulder dislocations due to instability in the back of the shoulder. The most common form of shoulder ligament injury is the Bankart lesion, where the ligaments are torn from the front of the socket.

How long does a Bankart repair surgery take?

‍The arthroscopic Bankart repair is performed under a general anaesthetic. The surgery takes about an hour. You will be in the operating theatre complex for several hours as you need to be prepared for anaesthesia and then will need to wake up from the anaesthetic. Normally patients stay one night in hospital.

How painful is Bankart surgery?

Arthroscopic Bankart repair results in minimal pain and trauma and less scarring and damage to surrounding tissue than traditional open surgery. There is also a shorter recovery period and a shorter length of rehabilitation than with traditional open surgery.

What is Latarjet shoulder surgery?

The Latarjet procedure is a technique used to restore stability to the shoulder joint. Developed by a French surgeon in the 1950s, it is commonly performed when there is significant bone loss in the front of the glenoid (the shallow socket in the shoulder blade) from repeat dislocations.

What can I expect after Bankart surgery?

The first 6 weeks the shoulder is kept fairly immobile to allow the area to heal as much as possible. For up to 8 weeks the focus is on normal shoulder movement, but lifting should still be avoided. At 3 months strengthening exercises for the shoulder will commence.

How successful is Latarjet surgery?

In a recent systematic review, patient-reported outcomes of good to excellent in 90% of patients were seen [9]. However, recent studies examining the outcomes of the Latarjet procedure cite high rates of complications, particularly infection, recurrent instability and neurological injury.

Can a torn labrum in the shoulder heal itself?

A labrum isn’t totally capable of complete self-healing and repair, and if you do decide to leave it to heal on its own, it usually won’t heal evenly.

Should I have surgery for shoulder labral tear?

If the labrum is frayed, usually no treatment is necessary since it doesn’t usually cause symptoms. However, if there is a large tear of the labrum, the torn part should either be cut out and trimmed, or it should be repaired.

What kind of surgery is open Bankart repair?

What is open Bankart repair? Used to treat conditions such as shoulder dislocations or instability, open Bankart repair helps stabilize the ball back into the socket of the shoulder joint. In this procedure, your orthopedic surgeon will repair damaged ligaments and cartilage through an incision in the front of your shoulder.

What happens to your shoulder after Bankart repair?

Following Bankart repair and anterior stabilisation surgery, your shoulder will be placed in a protective sling for 3 weeks to help protect the new shoulder and aid recovery. During this time you will be limited to the amount of movement allowed as well as the use of your arm.

Can a Bankart lesion cause a shoulder joint to become unstable?

Sometimes the humeral head tears part of the labrum as it dislocates. This is known as a Bankart lesion. The Bankart lesion can result in the shoulder joint becoming unstable and requiring surgery. A Bankart repair involves reattachment and tightening of the torn labrum. The torn edges of the labrum are removed to reveal fresh labrum.

What is the rehabilitation protocol for Bankart repair?

BANKART REPAIR REHABILITATION PROTOCOL (Arthroscopic/Open) This protocol was developed for patients who have had a bankart repair. Please note this protocol is a guideline. Patients with additional surgery will progress at different rates. Achieving the criteria of each phase should be emphasized more than the approximate duration.