What is a runner in drug dealing?

Drug dealing groups often use young people to deliver their drugs, by paying them or by forcing them through violence and grooming. These young people, known as ‘runners’, are usually male and aged between 12 and 20.

How can you tell if someone is dealing drugs?

Signs Your Neighbor May be Involved in Manufacturing or Selling…

  1. There’s an unusual amount of foot traffic in and out of the house.
  2. Your neighbors appear to be financially successful despite not having jobs.
  3. The house itself does not look or smell right.
  4. You notice drug paraphernalia in the area.

How do you spot a drug stash house?

Indicators of a Stash House:

  1. Most drug stash houses are rental homes.
  2. Stash house caretakers prefer homes with attached garage.
  3. Yard is unkept, although sometimes they will send someone to clean it up so as to not draw attention.
  4. There is usually little, if any, furniture in the home.

How do you turn in a drug dealer?


  1. Illegal drug trafficking: submit a Tip online or call your local DEA office.
  2. Report criminals posing as DEA Special Agents, illegal sales/distribution of drugs; suspicious online pharmacies and other drug-distribution-related crimes. 877-RxAbuse (877-792-2873)

What is a runner scamming?

Runners and cappers are the middlemen in the fraud scheme. The runner or capper recruits the occupants to be involved in a staged (or paper) accident. The runner or capper has an arrangement with either a medical provider or lawyer or both, getting either a percentage of the take or a set fee per person.

What are the signs of Cuckooing?

What are the signs of cuckooing?

  • An increase in people entering and leaving.
  • An increase in cars or bikes outside.
  • Possible increase in anti-social behaviour.
  • Increasing litter outside.
  • Signs of drugs use.
  • Lack of healthcare visitors.