What is a positive PSC-17?

A positive score on the PSC-17 or any of the subscales suggests the need for further evaluation by a qualified health (e.g., M.D., R.N.) or mental health (e.g., Ph. D., L.I.C.S.W.) professional. with validated and accepted parent-report instruments for internalizing, externalizing, and attention problems.

What does the PSC-17 measure?

The PSC-17 is a general mental health screening tool designed to be simple to use in primary care practices, based a longer form instrument known as the PSC-35. It can help primary care providers assess the likelihood of finding any mental health disorder in their patient.

What does PSC stand for in mental health?

The Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) is a brief screening questionnaire used by pediatricians and other health professionals to recognize psychosocial problems and improve treatment in children.

Who created the PSC-17?

Michael Jellinek, MD
Michael Jellinek, MD, created the PSC and has researched it over more than thirty years in collaboration with J. Michael Murphy, Ed. D.

How is PSC 17 scored?

The PSC-17 consists of 17 items that are rated as “Never,” “Sometimes, ” or “Often” present. A value of 0 is assigned to “Never”, 1 to “Sometimes,” and 2 to “Often”. The total score is calculated by adding together the score for each of the 17 items. Items that are left blank are simply ignored (i.e., score equals 0).

What are the three PSC subscales?

The PSC internalizing, attention, and externalizing problem subscales had positive screening rates of 10.4%, 9.1%, and 10.2%, respectively. Table 1 also shows the breakdown of the primary analytic sample by gender (51.4% were male) and age group.

How do you read a PSC 17?

What age is the PSC 17 for?

What is the PSC–17? The Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) is brief screening questionnaire that is used to improve the recognition and treatment of psychosocial problems in children ages 4 to 17 years. It is used in place of the PHQ-9 for Health Home beneficiaries within this age group.

What is a PSC healthcare?

PSC Healthcare is a group of physicians, clinical specialists, attorneys, finance /marketing professionals and computer programmers/designers – all focused on employing disruptive technology to create unique and profitable solutions for our clients.

How is PSC 35 scored?

Instructions for Scoring The PSC consists of 35 items that are rated as “Never,” “Sometimes, ” or “Often” present. A value of 0 is assigned to “Never”, 1 to “Sometimes,” and 2 to “Often”. The total score is calculated by adding together the score for each of the 35 items.

How is the PSC-17 score calculated for children?

The PSC-17 is a shortened version of the PSC-35 and consists of 17 items. Each item is rated as “NEVER,” “SOMETIMES,” or “OFTEN”present and scored 0, 1, and 2 respectively. The total score is calculated by adding together the score for eachof the 17 items. Positive PSC-17 score >15

Is the PSC 17 a mental health checklist?

Summary • The PSC-17 is: The Pediatric Symptom Checklist -17 is a research validated psychosocial screen designed to facilitate the recognition of childhood symptoms of emotional and behavioral dysfunction. • The PSC-17 is not: The PSC 17 is not designed to make mental health diagnoses in children. .

Where can I find the PSC 17 form?

DSHS developed a PSC-17 form which was designed for ease in completing and scoring. The questions are the same as the Massachusetts General form and appear in the same order. The three subscales are also identified. It can be located at the HCA Website and the DSHS forms Website. The form number is 10-509.

Is the PSC 17 a psychosocial screen for children?

Summary • The PSC-17 is: The Pediatric Symptom Checklist -17 is a research validated psychosocial screen designed to facilitate the recognition of childhood symptoms of emotional and behavioral dysfunction. • The PSC-17 is not: The PSC 17 is not designed to make mental health diagnoses in children.