What is a major side effect of glucocorticoid medications?

Cushing’s syndrome, adrenal suppression, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, psychiatric disturbances, and immunosuppression are among the most important side effects of systemic glucocorticoids. These side effects are especially noticeable at high doses for prolonged periods.

What is a systemic glucocorticoid?

Systemic glucocorticoids are widely used to treat autoimmune and inflammatory skin diseases. The prolonged use of glucocorticoids, however, is associated with potentially serious adverse effects. Many of these side effects are potentially minimized by careful monitoring and using appropriate preventive strategies.

What are the well known side effects of prolonged systemic steroid use?

Osteoporosis, adrenal suppression, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, Cushing’s syndrome, psychiatric disturbances and immunosuppression are among the more serious side effects noted with systemic corticosteroid therapy, particularly when used at high doses for prolonged periods.

What are the side effects and contraindications of glucocorticoids?

Contraindications to corticosteroids include hypersensitivity to any component of the formulation, concurrent administration of live or live-attenuated vaccines (when using immunosuppressive dosages), systemic fungal infection, osteoporosis, uncontrolled hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, joint infection.

Why do glucocorticoids have side effects?

Mechanisms of adverse effects — Glucocorticoids used in chronic disease (eg, prednisone or prednisolone) do not have significant mineralocorticoid, androgenic, or estrogenic activity; thus, their major adverse effects result from inhibition of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function and the development of iatrogenic …

What are the after effects of a steroid injection?

Potential side effects of steroid injections include:

  • pain around the injection site, ranging from minor to intense pain, which is often called a cortisone or steroid flare.
  • bruising around the injection site.
  • face flushing for a few hours.
  • thin or pale skin around the injection site.
  • insomnia.

What are the adverse effects of systemic steroids?

Common side effects of systemic steroids include:

  • Increased appetite.
  • Weight gain.
  • Changes in mood.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Increased growth of body hair.
  • Easy bruising.
  • Lower resistance to infection.

Why do glucocorticoids cause side effects?

What possible negative effects can Glucocorticoids have on joint tissues?

One of the main limitations of glucocorticoid therapy is the adverse effect that they have on the skeleton. They can cause bone loss (i.e. osteoporosis) and fractures: features collectively referred to as glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIOP).

What possible negative effects can glucocorticoids have on joint tissues?

What are actions of glucocorticoids?

A major action of glucocorticoids is to silence pro-inflammatory genes (gene transrepression). These genes are activated by pro-inflammatory transcription factors such as nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and activator protein 1 (AP-1) produced in response to inflammatory cytokines.

Why do steroids cause back pain?

This usually affects the lower back because the problem is rooted from where the nerve exits the spine. The sharp pain radiates from the lower back to the legs. This can also be caused by herniated disc. Some professionals use steroid shots for back pain relief such as this type.

Is prednisone a systemic glucocorticoid?

Prednisone is a glucocorticoid medication mostly used to suppress the immune system and decrease inflammation in conditions such as asthma, COPD , and rheumatologic diseases.

What is cortisone medication?

Cortisone belongs to a class of drugs called glucocorticoids. A class of drugs is a group of medications that work in a similar way. These drugs are often used to treat similar conditions. Cortisone is a steroid drug. It helps decrease swelling and inflammation in your body.