What is a hybrid in biology quizlet?

Hybrid. An organism that has two different alleles for a trait; an organism that is heterozygous for a particular trait.

What is purebred and hybrid?

In the simplest possible terms, purebreds are the offspring that result from mating between genetically similar parents while hybrids are the offspring that are the result of mating between two genetically dissimilar parents. In the same context the term hybrid means a cross between two breeds.

What is a hybrid zone in biology?

Hybrid zones are regions where genetically distinct populations meet, mate, and produce at least some offspring of mixed ancestry. Historically, interest in hybrid zones has focused on understanding their origins, dynamics, and, ultimately, their fate.

What does hybrid mean in biology?

hybrid, offspring of parents that differ in genetically determined traits. The term hybrid, therefore, has a wider application than the terms mongrel or crossbreed, which usually refer to animals or plants resulting from a cross between two races, breeds, strains, or varieties of the same species.

Is hybrid dominant or recessive?

Organisms that have two unlike genes for a certain trait are called hybrid. A pea plant with one recessive gene for shortness and one dominant gene for tallness is a hybrid for that trait. A hybrid is called heterozygous, as it has two different alleles….

Dominant Recessive
Widow’s peak hairline Straight hairline

Is there a Trihybrid cross?

A trihybrid cross involves the same steps as a dihybrid cross, but instead of looking at the inheritance pattern of two specific traits, it is possible to look at three different traits and the probability of their combination showing up in the genotype.

Which is an example of a genetic trait?

DEFINITION: a segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait. EXAMPLE: a chromosome unit that determines a person’s eye color. SENTENCE: The gene that determined a person’s pigment color was mutated and the person became albino.

Which is the best sentence to use about genetics?

SENTENCE: The baby’s phenotype showed that it had blue eyes. SENTENCE: The baby had brown eyes, but the genotype also showed it had the blue eyed gene. SENTENCE: When the two gametes joined together, a new organism was formed called a zygote.

Which is an example of a biological process?

DEFINITION: the biological process whereby genetic factors are transmitted from one generation to the next. EXAMPLE: the likely hood someone will have blue eyes. SENTENCE: Unfortunately fear is mostly influenced by heredity and the environment.