What is a good CS score for ADC?

The numbers you should have in mind when you’re killing creeps should be +/-8 CS per minute. Usually at the 10th minute you should be at around 80 – 100 CS on your lane. Midgame at 20 minutes you should be around 180 – 200 CS (220 after you master CSing and killing jungle camps while support freezes your lane).

How many CS should you have at 10 minutes?

With full runes and masteries, you should try to achieve 95% cs in a single player custom game. This means that at 10 minutes you should have around 100 cs (I am a scrub but I can hit that. Without runes and masteries, I hit around 85).

What’s a good CS per minute?

9 CS/min
A decent CS per minute starts at around 8 CS/min. A good CS per minute is anything from 9 CS/min and above. If you’re able to hold this or a higher score throughout the match, it means that you’re capable of claiming the needed resources for carrying your team.

How many minions spawn a minute?

For the first 15 minutes, one spawns every three minion waves. After the 15 minute mark, one spawns every two minion waves.

Why is it called creep score?

CS stands for “Creep Score”, and refers to how many creeps you have killed throughout the duration of the game. “Perfect” CS is around 12.6 CS per minute, which in most if not all games, is simply not attainable (Even Pros don’t have this CS!).

How much gold are minions worth?

These minions provide 60 – 90 gold depending on the minute of the game. They also provide 93 solo experience and 116 shared experience.

How much gold is in a wave lol?

After the first spawn (111 gold), a full wave increases its total value by 4.1g every 90 seconds. After 20 minutes, a wave’s value increases by 4.6g every 90 seconds. Finally, at 35 minutes, a wave’s value will increase by 5.1g every 90 seconds until the end of the game.

How much gold is a minion wave lol?

Siege/Cannon Minions Finally, after the 25th minute mark, they will spawn every wave. These minions provide 60 – 90 gold depending on the minute of the game.