What is a formal visual inspection?

Formal visual inspections This is a process of simply inspecting the appliance, the cable and the plug for any obvious signs of damage. According to the HSE, this process can find more than 90% of faults.

What is meant by visual inspection?

Visual Inspection, or Visual Testing (VT), is the oldest and most basic method of inspection. It is the process of looking over a piece of equipment using the naked eye to look for flaws. It requires no equipment except the naked eye of a trained inspector.

What is PAT test certificate?

A PAT testing certificate should be provided as a record of testing by the person(s) carrying out the tests. It forms a legal document that verifies all reasonable steps have been carried out to check for the electrical safety of all equipment, and can also detail the actual results for all tests carried out.

Who can carry out a formal visual inspection?

persons competent
Formal visual inspections should only be carried out by persons competent to do so; if someone is not competent they could miss something really important. The formal visual inspection is arguably the most important part of the portable appliance testing process.

How often should you carry out a visual inspection of electrical equipment?

The suggested initial intervals for inspecting portable electrical equipment vary according to the type of equipment being used from every 2-3 years in some working environments, and particularly those regarded as being low risk, to every 6 months or annually in other more demanding locations.

What are the three different types of inspection methods?

There are three primary types of quality inspections: pre-production, in-line, and final. There are a variety of details that must be inspected and approved during each phase in order to detect and correct quality problems.

What is the basic principle of visual inspection?

Visual inspection machines also have their fundamental principle: visualize one element and compare it with another.

What qualifications do you need for PAT testing?

No specific qualifications are required, the regulations only require the testing to be done by a competent person. The definition of a competent person in the regulations is – “A person possessing sufficient technical knowledge or experience to be capable of ensuring that injury is prevented”.

Does a washing machine need PAT testing?

New equipment should be supplied in a safe condition and not require a formal portable appliance inspection or test. However, a simple visual check is recommended to verify the item is not damaged.

Does a fridge need PAT testing?

Even so, it’s still important to test stationary equipment. A fridge that’s been moved slightly, for example, could have sustained damage to its mains cord, deeming it unsafe for use until repaired. It’s therefore essential that during your PAT testing you don’t ignore equipment that’s stationary.