What is a convex grind on a knife?

A convex edge is slightly rounded (hence the name convex) as it tapers off to the finest point of the cutting edge along the blade. The convex edge is considered superior compared to other edge grind types due to longer lasting durability and less drag when cutting.

What is a convex grind good for?

Convex grinds are ideal for chopping and splitting tools such as axes and machetes. The durability combined with the shape make quick work of splitting/chopping. The rounded shape of the edge doesn’t get clinched up in wood and also helps separate the two halves of the wood you’re splitting.

Is convex grind best?

A good convex knife can have a stronger edge, and still have a smoother cut. You namely miss the angular shoulder a flat grind does have. As such this type of grind is very popular for bushcraft knives. Knives with a convex edge are incredibly sharp and can handle heavy-duty tasks without losing their sharpness.

What angle is a convex grind?

The working angle of sharpening is usually 36°, sharpening is performed with a gradual increase in the angle. TSPROF device for the convex edge sharpening allows you to effectively sharpen knives into the lens both with bevels from the spine, and with a concave lens, and even with “Scandi”-bevels.

What is the best grind for a bushcraft knife?

Why The Scandi Is The Best Grind For Bushcraft Knives

  • Perfect wood geometry: The Scandi excels at bushcraft chores because its geometry is perfect for working with wood.
  • Zero grind: The fact the Scandi is ground to zero allows the edge to be as thin as possible with no change in angle.

What is the sharpest blade grind?

Hollow Grind As the grinds finishes in a very sharp point, concave grinds can be the sharpest but least durable edges.

What is hollow grinding of knives?

The hollow grind is a very common grind for knife blades. The bevel, meaning the ground section of the blade, is much thinner in hollow-ground blades than in convex or flat-ground blades. The hollow grind is achieved by holding the blade to the grinding wheel at a right angle, which “hollows” the blade.

What is saber grind?

A sabre grind is either a flat or hollow grind where the primary bevel (the grind) does not cover the entire width of the blade, leaving some portion unground. If someone says “sabre hollow ground” you know the blade has a hollow grind that starts partway down the blade.

What is a Scandi grind for?

The Scandinavian grind, or Scandi grind, is a short flat (occasionally convex) grind on a thin blade where the primary grind is also the edge bevel. The benefit to using a scandi grind is that you can use the entire primary bevel to guide your knife along the bench stone as you sharpen it.

What angle is Scandi grind?

22 to 23°
Scandi grind is defined as a flat grind and is often intended for sharpening on a flat stone in an outdoor environment. The attached pictures show a blade of a new Swedish Morakniv made of stainless steel hardened to HRC 56-58. The length of the scandi grind is 6 mm and the edge (included) angle is 22 to 23°.

How does a convex ground knife blade work?

A convex ground blade has a curved bevel, formed by each side of the blade being ground in a shallow arc to the cutting edge, with no micro bevel added. The convex grind is not common on normal production knives, for it is not as easily machine formed as the other grinds.

Is there such thing as a convex grind?

Yes, the term “convex grind” seems to imply the Axe grind, or “apple seed” grind. While a knife is the extreme end of this grind, the geometry is of course different from an axe. Start with a flat grind, paying attention to keeping it perfectly flat as you would normally.

Can a flat knife be used to sharpen a convex knife?

Sharpening a flat grind, scandi grind or hollow grind is done the same way. You hold the knife at a fixed angle and move the knife, in the same angle, alongside, for instance, a sharpening stone. As mentioned before, a convex edge has a curved blade. However, sharpening stones are flat, so how do you sharpen a round surface with a flat stone?

Can a convex grind be done on a slack belt?

You will get many different answers on how to do a convex grind. A true full convex grind is an axe grind which when done completely on a slack belt, has poor geometry for a knife blade. It’s just too thick behind the edge. You can flaten out the convex by grinding on the rotary platen.