What is a Canon EFS 55-250mm lens used for?

Canon’s new EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS is designed specifically for cameras with ‘APS-C’ sized sensors and combines light weight with a very low price tag for an optically-stabilised lens. On the EOS 400D and 40D cameras we used for our tests, its focal length range is equivalent to 88-400mm on a 35mm camera.

What is the 55-250 mm lens good for?

Compact, powerful telephoto zoom Taking you closer to the action, the EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM is the perfect companion for your EOS’s 18-55mm standard zoom lens, and ideal for wildlife, sports and travel photography. It combines powerful telephoto performance with great image quality and instinctive handling.

IS STM a zoom lense?

The Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM Lens is an inexpensive, light, entry level telephoto zoom lens that has image stabilization, very good image quality for the price and a very useful focal length range that will nicely complement most general purpose zoom lenses.

What is 300mm zoom equivalent to?

At 300mm the lens will have the equivalence of a 450mm lens on a 35mm film camera or Nikon FX (Full Frame) digital camera. Many P&S cameras will say they have a 8x or 12x zoom, that just means that the longest focal length is 8x or 12x longer than the widest focal length.

Does Canon 55-250 have image stabilization?

Although the Canon 55-250 mm is not a very fast lens, the built-in image stabilization ensures that you still can take sharp pictures in low light. This makes it an ideal lens for many applications where you want to apply a telephoto lens, such as nature photography or sports photography.

How many times zoom is 250mm?

250mm = 1 zoom! Time is Critical.

Is the Canon EF-S 55-250mm a good lens?

Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM Lens Review. The Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM Lens is an inexpensive, light, entry level telephoto zoom lens that has image stabilization, very good image quality for the price and a very useful focal length range that will nicely complement most general purpose zoom lenses.

Which is better canon 55-250 or canon 70-300?

The difference between the Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS Lens and the Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens is not as clear. The 55-250 has less play in the barrel than the 70-300, but the 70-300 is more solidly built including a metal lens mount. The 70-300 is larger and heavier. The 55-250 has a more-matte finish.

What is maximum magnification of Canon 55-250 is?

As shown in the above table, the 55-250 IS has a short MFD (Minimum Focus Distance) which yields a very high MM (Maximum Magnification) for a non-macro-specific lens. MM numbers grow much higher still with an Extension Tube (ET) or with a 250D or 500D Close-up lens .

Can a canon 55-250mm be mounted on an APS-C body?

As it is an “EF-S” lens, the 55-250 IS can only be mounted on Canon APS-C/1.6x FOVCF bodies. This is the first EF-S lens longer than 85mm and the first released since the Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS Kit Lens – a lens that the EF-S 55-250mm complements especially well.