What is a antonym for degradation?

Antonyms. finish interesting purity honesty incorruptness corrupt incorrupt. abasement dehumanization humiliation popularization stultification.

Is Degradement a word?

Deprivation of rank or office; degradation.

What is a synonym and antonym for degrade?

abase, bring low, cast down, debase, depress, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, humble, humiliate, lower, reduce, sink. Antonyms: advance, aggrandize, dignify, elevate, exalt, honor, promote, raise, uplift.

What does it mean to degrade a woman?

The word can also mean to disrespect or insult: thoughtless comments can degrade a person. If you whistle at a passing woman, you’re being disrespectful — your behavior degrades women. Degrade is often used to mean to insult someone because of their gender or race. Degrade also means to break down.

What does morally degraded mean?

moral degradation (MD) or demoralization – the process of. society’s progressive loss of or weakening of the moral and. ethical structures that have traditionally prevailed (Redfern.

How do you use degrade?

Degrade in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Bullies will often degrade their victims by making fun of them and getting others to do the same.
  2. Mark’s boss would frequently degrade his employees which would reduce them to tears due to his ugly words.

What is opposite decompose?

Opposite of to decompose or break down, especially biologically. combine. develop. grow. improve.

Are there any synonyms for the word degraded?

Synonyms for degraded. broke, busted. (also bust), demoted, disrated, downgraded, reduced.

Why does a battery need to be degraded?

They need the right moisture levels and microbes to degrade. There has also been much speculation about a “million-mile battery” capable of being recharged many more times than current models without degrading. Extreme temperatures, low pressure and radiation can quickly degrade cell membranes and destroy DNA.

Can a misfortune degrade a man to his level?

You would degrade yourself to my level; and, God knows, mine is a very low level. Misfortune cannot degrade a man, unless he be intrinsically mean; it rather elevates him. Let such men become drivers to stage-coaches, but let them not degrade the name of travellers by assuming it to themselves.

Is it degrading to converse with men of degraded minds?

To converse with men of degraded minds is in itself degrading, at least if you possess not virtue very superior to mine. They had imperfect and even degrading ideas of the gods, but acknowledged their existence and their power.