What is a 2 tier architecture?

A two-tier architecture is a software architecture in which a presentation layer or interface runs on a client, and a data layer or data structure gets stored on a server. Separating these two components into different locations represents a two-tier architecture, as opposed to a single-tier architecture.

What are the tiers in J2EE architecture?

Usually in J2EE architecture consist of four tiers Client Tier, Web Tier, Enterprise JavaBean Tier, and Enterprise Information Tier.

What are the advantages of 2 tier architecture?

By using a two-tiered architecture, end users do not have to remember the physical name of hosts that their messaging and calendar applications connect to. The Access-Layer Application hosts provide proxies to connect end users to their assigned messaging or calendar data center host.

What is the difference between AC 3 tier and 2 tier?

AC two tier: These air-conditioned coaches have sleeping berths across eight bays. AC three tier: Air-conditioned coaches with 64 sleeping berths. Berths are similar to 2A, but with three tiers across the width and two lengthwise for eight bays of eight.

What is client tier in J2EE?

Client Tier: The client tier represents the J2EE platform’s user interface or its application clients that interact with the J2EE platform-based application or system. A typical client can be a Java application (J2SE/J2ME), Java applet, Web browser, Web service, Java enabled device, or Java-based network application.

What are types of J2EE clients?

Types of J2EE Clients

  • Web (HTML) clients: Clients that access J2EE services through the Internet HTTP protocols.
  • Device clients: Clients that access J2EE services through hand-held devices and mobile phones using J2ME, WAP, and/or other technologies.

What are the limitations of 2 tier architecture?

The main problem of two tier architecture is the server cannot respond multiple request same time, as a result it cause a data integrity issue. Advantages: Easy to maintain and modification is bit easy. Communication is faster.

What are the different tiers of J2EE architecture?

This tier contains containers, components and services. Usually in J2EE architecture consist of four tiers Client Tier, Web Tier, Enterprise JavaBean Tier, and Enterprise Information Tier. The middle tier consists of Web Tier+EJB tier.

Why is J2EE architecture based on MVC methodology?

Having been based on MVC methodology, J2EE’s architecture naturally demarcates business logic from presentation logic tier. Controllers can be placed in either of these tiers or both. By doing so, J2EE provides room for reusability of business logic components.

What do you need to know about J2EE certification?

What is J2EE? J2EE is often called as Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition is a set of specifications designed by Sun Group currently Oracle, which is platform-independent, and is used for maintaining set of standards in developing distributed services in computing or web applications.

How does the client tier work in J2EE?

The client tier consists of programs or applications interact with the user. Usually, they are located in a different machine from the server. Client tier prompts the user inputs into user requests then forwarded to the J2EE server then processed result returned back to the client.