What happened when Elie went to sleep on January 28 1945?

“The doctor cannot do anything more for him ….” On the night of January 28th in 1945, Elie goes to his bunk in exhaustion with his father still alive and still in the bunk below him. I had to go to sleep. Wiesel had been taken in the night–whether dead or still alive–to the crematorium.

What infection does Elie get in 1945?


After Akiba Drumer’s death, what do Elie and the other prisoners do? forget to say the prayer for the dead
In January 1945, what sort of infection does Elie contract? foot
In the concentration camp hospital, Elie’s neighbor remarks he has lost faith in everything but Hilter

What was the number given to Elie?

In Night, Wiesel recalled the shame he felt when he heard his father being beaten and was unable to help. Wiesel was tattooed with inmate number “A-7713” on his left arm. The camp was liberated by the U.S. Third Army on April 11, 1945, when they were just prepared to be evacuated from Buchenwald.

Is Night by Elie Wiesel a true story?

Night is a memoir based on real events, so it is classified as nonfiction. When Elie Wiesel wrote Night, he described his own experiences in Auschwitz…

What were Shlomo’s final words as he died?

Expert Answers Chlomo’s last words are repeating his son’s name, Eliezer, over and over again. By the time Elie and his father Chlomo arrive at the Buchenwald concentration camp, the latter has taken a turn for the worse. He is ill with dysentery and aching with fever.

What did the prisoners do when they were freed in night?

At the end of Night, the prisoners were not concerned about anything but food. They had not been fed often and were starving. Once the liberation took place, all the prisoners wanted was to eat. Elie recounts the events that happened after they were freed.

Did Elie Wiesel lose his leg?

No, Elie Wiesel did not lose his leg.

When winter came to the camp what happened to Elie’s foot what did the doctor have to do to it?

Elie is given no anesthetic, and must bear the pain of the procedure until he passes out. When he comes to, the doctor tells him that the sole of his foot had been full of pus, and they had to open the foot to drain it; the operation had gone well, and Elie should be “completely recovered within two weeks (Chapter 5).

What was the name of Elie’s youngest sister?

Tzipora: Tzipora is Eliezer’s youngest sister.

What was tattooed on each prisoners left arm?

What was tattooed on each prisoner’s left arm? A certain roll call number was tattooed on each prisoner’s left arm.

What language did Elie write Night?

language Wiesel first wrote an 800-page text in Yiddish titled Un di Velt Hot Geshvign (And the World Remained Silent). The work later evolved into the much-shorter French publication La Nuit, which was then translated into English as Night.

What happened to Elie Wiesel at the age of fifteen?

Wiesel was 15 years old when the Nazis deported him and his family to Auschwitz-Birkenau. His mother and younger sister died in the gas chambers on the night of their arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau.