What does Xenophon say about Socrates?

In his Lives of Eminent Philosophers, the Greek biographer Diogenes Laertius reports how Xenophon came to be associated with Socrates. “They say that Socrates met him in a narrow lane, and put his stick across it and prevented him from passing by, asking him where all kinds of necessary things were sold.

How did Xenophon defend Socrates?

His gen- eral intent was to defend Socrates by portraying him as encouraging young men to become gentlemen like Xenophon himself—free from subjection to their own desires or the authority of an employer, men- tally and physically self-disciplined, willing to follow their own good sense where applicable and oracles and …

Did Xenophon write about Socrates?

Both Plato and Xenophon wrote an Apology concerning the death of Socrates. The two writers seem more concerned about answering questions that arose after the trial than about the actual charges.

What is the philosophy of Xenophon?

For one example of his work in moral philosophy, he emphasized the importance of self-control, which comprises one of the cardinal virtues of Greek popular morality. This is highlighted by Xenophon in many ways. Socrates is often said by Xenophon to have exemplified it in the very highest degree.

Does xenophanes believe in God?

Xenophanes espoused a belief that “God is one, supreme among gods and men, and not like mortals in body or in mind.” He maintained there was one greatest God. More particularly, the Methaphysics of Aristotle referred that for him “the All is God” (Metaph. 986b=A19).

What did Xenophon write about?

Xenophon wrote extensively on domestic issues in his Economics and defined the duties of a wife therein (the overseer of the home and children) and marriage as a “partnership ordained by the gods.” He is best known, however, as a soldier and the author of Anabasis (‘The Expedition’ or ‘The March Up Country’), his …

Where did Xenophon live?

The Spartans gave him somewhere to live at Scillus (across the Alpheus River from Olympia), a small city in the Triphylian state created after Sparta’s defeat of Elis in 400. During his years there, Xenophon served as Sparta’s representative at Olympia, and he sent his sons to Sparta for their education.

What does the name Xenophon mean?

The name Xenophon is primarily a gender-neutral name of Greek origin that means Strange Voice. From the Greek word “xenos” meaning foreign/strange and the word elment “phone/phone” meaning voice. Xenophon of Athens was a Greek historian, philosopher, and soldier.

What was Xenophanes known for?

Xenophanes, (born c. 560 bc, Colophon, Ionia—died c. 478), Greek poet and rhapsode, religious thinker, and reputed precursor of the Eleatic school of philosophy, which stressed unity rather than diversity and viewed the separate existences of material things as apparent rather than real.

Who did Xenophanes influence?

Xenophanes’ concept of the one God, as noted above, influenced Parmenides’ and the Eleatics’ recognition of unity and their work contributed to Plato’s Theory of Forms and Aristotle’s Unmoved Mover, providing a philosophical basis for the development of monotheism.

Is Xenophon a primary source?

Primary Source Reading: Xenophon.

What kind of name is Xenophon?

How are Xenophon and Plato related to Socrates?

While Plato and Xenophon offer similar accounts of Critias’ connection with Socrates, they curiously offer different, not to say contradictory, accounts of Alcibiades’ relationship with him.

Who was the most violent of socrates’associates?

Critias and Alcibiades are singled out among Socrates’ associates, Xenophon reports, because they are the ones who harmed the city the most: “Critias was the most thievish, violent, and murderous of all in the oligarchy, and Alcibiades the most incontinent, insolent, and violent of all in the democracy” (Mem. I.2.12).

Which is an example of corruption in Socrates?

To the degree then, that the corruption charge is important for understanding Socrates’ way of life, one should turn to a prime example of Socratic corruption: Alcibiades. Both Xenophon and Plato were guided by the same consideration, namely protecting or ennobling the reputation of Socrates and thereby of philosophy.

How old was Socrates when he met Alcibiades?

Socrates never criticizes Alcibiades, and Alcibiades, in turn, never threatens Socrates. Indeed, neither speaks to or about the other at all. he reported conversation between Alcibiades and Pericles took place when Alcibiades was about twenty years old, roughly the age when Socrates approached Alcibiades.