What does the owl bird symbolize?

People generally consider owl as symbols of wisdom and knowledge, thanks to the endless owl mythology and folklore references. Owl symbolism can also mean transition and time.

Which owls symbolize death?

In Celtic tradition, Owls are a sign of the underworld. In the Middle East Owls are ill omens that are connected with destruction, ruin and death. Owls represent the souls of people who have died without having been avenged.

When an owl comes to your house?

Owls may be seen as spies, and nailing an owl to a door is believed to protect the home or barn from lightning or guard against the bird’s evil spirit. Different cultures believe owls can carry off children, and seeing an owl circling during the day is considered an omen of bad news or bad luck.

Is owl an evil bird?

Owls as Evil Spirits Even if owls aren’t directly associated with death, they are often considered evil omens. Many cultures consider owls to be unclean and undesirable, and these birds are frequently associated with witch doctors or shamans.

What does an owl symbolize in mythology?

In most Greek myths, the owl symbolizes wisdom. The Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, was so impressed by the big eyes and solemn appearance of the owl that she became her favorite bird. Owls settled in large numbers in the temple on the Acropolis and protected it.

What does the Owl represent in symbolism?

Owl Meaning and Symbolism. What Does an Owl Symbolize. An owl symbolizes intuition, transition, wisdom, silence, observation, quick wit, independence, power, intelligence, and protection.

How is an owl a symbol of wisdom?

Because owls only come out when they need to, they’re also symbols of wisdom. They’re intelligent creatures that will attack when the chance is right. Also, they won’t be as vocal when they don’t need to be, and they’ll wait for their moment when they strike. (See also: light symbolism ).