What does the black diamond do in Dokapon Kingdom?

Black Diamond is a rare item in Dokapon Kingdom which can be given to the king or sold for 45,000G. If given to the king, it will have a large negative affect on the giver’s Local Item Value. Because of this effect, it is very beneficial to send this item at a Temple under another adventurer’s name.

What is the max level in Dokapon Kingdom?

Job Level. When signing up for a new job, the job will start at level 1. The job is leveled up by winning in battles, either by defeating your opponent or your opponent giving up; for every 7 battles won, the job level increases by 1, to the maximum of 6.

What does the angel ring do in Dokapon Kingdom?


ID Name AT
Price Effect
13 1,110G Prevents Paralysis from Snow spaces, Poison from Swamp, and negates damage for being underwater.
14 Angel Ring
300,000G It can block negative space effects. ​

How do you get Robo Knight?

Robo Knight is a Job class obtainable after mastering both the Alchemist and Monk jobs and giving the Lost Technology to the King. In order to master Alchemist and Monk, the Thief, Magician, and Cleric jobs must also be mastered.

How do you get the dokapon sword?


  1. Found in red loot spaces in the Dark Dimension.
  2. Found in a locked box in the Dark Dimension.
  3. Won as a reward by matching 3 red 7s symbols in a 500,000G bet in the Casino.

How do I get rid of blackmail in Dokapon Kingdom?

If you die before the Blackmail takes effect, it will disappear from your inventory. NOTE: Cursed Items cannot be sold or thrown away; If you get one, you must take it. Also, you can get rid of Cursed Items by passing them along using the “Give” option if you fight an Adventurer and they die or Give Up.

What is mystery in Dokapon Kingdom?

Mystery is a spell in Dokapon Kingdom. It causes a random effect to occur. The effects the spell can have are as follows.

How do you get the dokapon crown?

A normal player can acquire it by beating a Darkling in a fight and by choosing to steal the item afterward. The crown is worth 1000000G if sold.

Is Robo Knight dead?

Robo Knight shows up in the battle against the Armada. Robo Knight somehow survived his previous demise and showed up in the middle of the Legendary Battle, temporarily reunited with Troy as Megaforce Red before continuing to finish off several XBorgs.

What does a job do in Dokapon Kingdom?

Jobs are a major aspect to Dokapon Kingdom. They define how the Adventurer looks, grows, and plays. Jobs affect 8 things and Base Stats : The character’s appearance. What stats increase at level up. Which Battle Skills can be learned when leveling up the job.

When do you get a new job in Dokapon?

At level 2 and level 4, a new Battle Skill is unlocked, and can be switched to at once. Once a job has been raised to level 6, it is considered mastered and will provide an additional stat point at level up. This will be retained throughout the entire game, even if the character changes job at Dokapon Castle.

What happens when you master a class in Dokapon?

Mastery Stats – Once you master any given class in Dokapon Kingdom (Job LV6) from that point on regardless of what class you play, when you gain a level you will gain an extra point in the mentioned stat. These are cumulative for every class mastered.

What do hit points do in Dokapon Kingdom?

HP = Hit Points: This is how much damage you can take before you’re killed. Level Up – These are the base stats you will gain at level up for each class, if you change your class it will not add to your new class’ stats but instead be replaced by that class’ stat level. Mastery Stats being the only exception to this.