What does Scout mean at the end of Chapter 27?

In the last line of chapter twenty-seven, Scout stated: “Thus began our longest journey together.” She was referring to a journey that she and Jem took together. The reader does not know what she was referring to until chapter twenty-eight. Scout and Jem left the Halloween pageant at school on a dark autumn evening.

What does Scout learn in Chapter 27?

Scout learns she is to be part of the pageant entitled Maycomb County: Ad Astra Per Aspera, written by Mrs. Grace Merriweather, one of the ladies in Aunt Alexandra’s Missionary Society. She and some of the other children will be in costumes designed to look like Maycomb’s agricultural products.

What is foreshadowed at the end of Chapter 27 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

At the end of chapter 27, Scout mentions that Jem is going to walk her to Maycomb’s Halloween festival at the school and says, “Thus began our longest journey together” (257). Her statement foreshadows that something dramatic will take place on their walk to or from the Halloween festival.

What purpose does Chapter 27 serve?

The story serves several purposes. It is the primary reason why Maycomb’s next Halloween was scaled down and the pageant was being held at the school, giving Jem and Scout their excuse to walk to and from the school that night.

How do you interpret the final line of the chapter 27?

Scout ends Chapter 27 by saying that although Atticus and Aunt Alexandra do not go to the Halloween pageant, “Jem said he would take me. Thus began our longest journey together.” The word “longest” has two meanings here – it describes not just physical distance, but the arduousness of the events to come.

What is Scout’s role in the pageant?

Scout is assigned the role of a ham. She has a great costume for the pageant, but she can’t get out of her ham suit without help. Atticus and Aunt Alexandra don’t go to the pageant because they’re tired, so Jem agrees to take Scout and bring her home.

What three strange events happened in Maycomb Chapter 27?

The three things that Scout mentioned during Chapter 27 included:

  • Helen Robinson being stalked and harrassed by Bob Ewell.
  • Judge Taylor discovering a prowler on his back porch, where “A shadow on the corner of the house caught his eye.” It was probably Bob Ewell again, seeking revenge against the judge.

What happened to Judge Taylor in To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 27?

What happened to Judge Taylor? Judge Taylor’s house was broken into by an intruder thought to be Bob Ewell, and the judge was found with a shotgun across his lap.

What comic incident is related in Chapter 27?

A comic incident in chapter 27 would be the introduction of last Halloween’s prank played on the Barber sisters. Harper Lee’s use of this comic scene serves as some comic relief.