What does SCAMPER mean?

SCAMPER is a mnemonic that stands for: Substitute. Combine. Adapt. Modify.

How do you use SCAMPER technique?

The seven SCAMPER techniques

  1. Substitute. Find a part of your concept, product, service or process etc.
  2. Combine. Most of the time you don’t have to come up with something entirely new, but the solution(s) actually already exists.
  3. Adapt.
  4. Modify.
  5. Put to another use.
  6. Eliminate.
  7. Reverse.

What does the letter M in SCAMPER stands for?

The letters in the acronym SCAMPER stand for: S – Substitute. C – Combine. A – Adapt. M – Modify.

Is SCAMPER force fitting?

Keep in mind the principal of force fitting. If you can’t think of anything in response to the SCAMPER prompt you’re using, then force a response, no matter how ridiculous it seems, and think of ways to make the non-logical response work.

What is SCAMPER used for?

The SCAMPER method helps you generate ideas for new products and services by encouraging you to ask seven different types of questions, which will help you understand how you can innovate and improve existing products, services, problems and ideas.

How do you use the word SCAMPER in a sentence?

Scamper in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Watching the squirrel scamper up the sidewalk was the highlight of the toddler’s day.
  2. After eating his lunch, the boy couldn’t wait to scamper outside to play.
  3. The puppy tried to scamper over the pile of leaves but ended up making a huge mess in the yard.

What is SCAMPER example?

Here are some examples of how the SCAMPER verbs work for innovation: If you were making spectacles then you could substitute plastic lenses for glass (incremental innovation) or you could substitute contact lenses for spectacles (radical innovation). A mobile phone was combined with a camera and then an MP3 player.

What is modify in SCAMPER?

Modify (Also Magnify and Minify) It’s time to magnify or exaggerate your idea, product, problem, or process—or to minify it.

What is the meaning of SCAMPER by Osborn 1972?

Combine, Adapt, Modify
Eberle (1972) simplified Osborn’s list into the acronym SCAMPER. Osborn designed SCAMPER games to arouse children’s curiosity. SCAMPER refers to the first letter of seven categories: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to other uses, Eliminate, Reverse, and Rearrange.

What are the seven creative strategies?

They are: combination, juxtaposition, isolation, metaphor or simile, change of context or environment, physical shape similarity, and material change, swap, or focus. These strategies are used to develop creative solutions to express meaningful ideas.


changes that SCAMPER stands for are: •S—Substitute (e.g., components, materials, people) •C—Combine (e.g., mix, combine with other assemblies or services, integrate) •A—Adapt (e.g., alter, change function, use part of another element) •M—Magnify/Modify (e.g., increase or reduce in scale, change shape, modify.

What is SCAMPER sentence?

to move quickly with light steps. Examples of Scamper in a sentence. 1. Watching the squirrel scamper up the sidewalk was the highlight of the toddler’s day. 2.

What does the word scamper mean in English?

So, the word scamper is not any regular word. Each alphabet of scamper represents another discreet term that then refers to one or more steps that you will need to follow for bringing that necessary innovation. Here is what is scamper and each letter stand for. 1. Substitute. 2. Combine. 3. Adapt. 4. Modify. 5. Put to another use. 6. Eliminate. 7.

What does scamper stand for in creative thinking?

The name SCAMPER is acronym for seven techniques; (S) substitute, (C) combine, (A) adapt, (M) modify, (P) put to another use, (E) eliminate and (R) reverse. These keywords represent the necessary questions addressed during the creative thinking meeting. What is the SCAMPER technique?

Which is the best way to use the Scamper technique?

The SCAMPER technique is one of the easiest and direct methods for creative thinking and problem-solving through a number of techniques or question types; (S) substitute, (C) combine, (A) adapt, (M) modify, (P) put to another use, (E) eliminate and (R) reverse.

How many scamper techniques are there in designorate?

The SCAMPER technique aims to provide seven different thinking approaches to find innovative ideas and solutions. There are two main concepts to keep in mind before starting the brainstorming using the SCAMPER technique; yet there is no sequential flow to follow while moving from each of the seven thinking techniques.