What does Persec mean?

Personal Security
Personal Security (PERSEC) is identifying, controlling, and protecting information about your life. This is the kind of information that everyone– regardless of military connection– should be careful about anyway.

What are common OPSEC measures?

(b) OPSEC measures include, among other actions, cover, concealment, camouflage, deception, intentional deviations from normal patterns, and direct strikes against the adversary’s intelligence system.

What are the 5 OPSEC steps?

The OPSEC process is most effective when fully integrated into all planning and operational processes. The OPSEC process involves five steps: (1) identification of critical information, (2) analysis of threats, (3) analysis of vulnerabilities, (4) assessment of risk, and (5) application of appropriate countermeasures.

Why is Persec important?

While the military is not as strict on PERSEC as they are on OPSEC, it is still an important aspect of security. PERSEC focuses on protecting information such as rank, your home address and information about your family. For this reason, you should always safeguard your personal information.

What is comsec and OPSEC?

OPSEC = Operational Security, COMSEC = Communications Security, INFOSEC = Information Security and PERSEC = Personal security. Information that shouldn’t be shared includes things like a soldier’s exact location overseas, info on troop movements, weapons systems etc.

What is OPSEC and Persec?

OPSEC deals more with the day-to-day operations going on in the Marine Corps. This can be for anything from deployment dates to weapons serial numbers to troop movements. On the other hand, there is PERSEC. PERSEC deals more with each individual’s personal security and how they safeguard their own personal information.

What is Persec in the military?

PERSEC deals with the protection of personal information of Marines and their family members. This information would be rank, addresses, any information about members of the family, etc. While Marines are deployed they are briefed over and over about keeping their information protected from the enemy.

What is a violation of OPSEC?

So, when you post online any information about any information that is supposed to be secret about pending military action or movement, any deployed service member’s location or anything about any military plans, accidents or incidents (the name of someone who has been killed, for example, before that information is …

What is the difference between OPSEC and persec?

PERSEC is protecting your personal information. While the military is not as strict on PERSEC as they are on OPSEC, it is still an important aspect of security. PERSEC focuses on protecting information such as rank, your home address and information about your family.

What are the steps in the OPSEC process?

OPSEC process 1 Assess OPSEC critical information. You need to begin by determining what data, if acquired or accessed by an adversary, would cause harm to your organization. 2 OPSEC analysis of vulnerabilities. 3 OPSEC assessment of risk. 4 Making an OPSEC plan.

Why is OPSEC important to your security posture?

OPSEC analysis of vulnerabilities. This is a step that should be central to any organization’s security posture: performing a complete security audit to reveal weak points in your infrastructure OPSEC assessment of risk.

What does the military acronym persec stand for?

A military acronym. Short for PERsonal SECurity. Used in conjuction with Operational Security ( OPSEC) to protect the flow of information to undesirable or non-essential parties.