What does Peeta reveal to the Capitol?

Peeta admits that he does not believe he has ever been a contender in the games; he merely wants to die as himself and show the Capitol that he is “more than just a piece in their games.” Katniss finds herself frustrated by his pessimistic outlook, thinking it foolish of him to have given up already.

Why did Peeta paint Rue on the floor in Catching Fire?

Peeta used the dyes to paint a picture of Rue after Katniss covered her with flowers when she died. He says he wants to hold them accountable for killing Rue, and Effie tells him that that kind of thinking is forbidden. For the first time in a long time, Katniss distances herself from the Quell.

Why did Peeta shake his head at Katniss?

The tributes must wait sixty seconds before they are released. While she waits, Katniss surveys the field. He is looking at her and shaking his head as if telling her “no.” The gong sounds, and because Katniss was distracted by Peeta, she misses her chance.

Does Katniss actually love Peeta in Catching Fire?

No. Katniss never actually loves Peeta in a mature and romantic way. Her feelings for him vary based on the situation, but they never develop into full-blown love.

Why does haymitch punches Peeta in the face?

Haymitch is already drinking, and Peeta gets angry with him because he’s supposed to be advising them. Haymitch punches him, and Katniss stabs her knife into the table between his hand and the liquor bottle. Haymitch wonders if he’s got fighters this year and asks Katniss what else she can do with a knife.

What is Peeta’s physical condition?

What is Peeta’s physical condition? -Peeta’s physical condition isn’t good because his face is swollen with bruises, he has a bloody bandage on one arm and he’s limping. Katniss thinks he’s a traitor to their District and she thinks he was plaing a game with her.

Why is it important to Peeta that he dies himself?

6. Why is it important to Peeta that he “dies himself”? -Peeta doesn’t want to turn into a monster and be a piece in their games. He wants to stay as himself, because the Capitol don’t own him.

Is Peeta brainwashed?

Like Katniss, Peeta ended up back in District 12, which was still recovering after being firebombed. By that point, Peeta greatly recovered from the brainwashing, but he still had PTSD from having his mind hijacked. Being in close proximity to Katniss was greatly beneficial as they relied on each other to heal.