What does outline planning permission mean UK?

What is Outline Planning Permission? Outline planning permission, as the name suggests, is much less detailed than full planning permission. By applying for it, you are asking the local planning authority to agree to the principle of development – with the specifics (called “reserved matters”) put aside until later.

Can you build with outline planning permission?

Outline permission gives consent in principle to your development. Getting outline permission isn’t the same as getting building consent though. To get there, you’ll need to submit a further application known as “reserved matters”, which fills in the specifics that weren’t part of your outline proposal.

What is the difference between planning permission and outline planning permission?

Essentially, the answer of outline vs full planning permission is in the separation of the details. The truth is the same amount of work and detail will have to go into an ‘outline + reserved matters’ application as into a ‘full application’.

What is the difference between outline and detailed planning permission?

Planning applications can be detailed or outline: Outline planning applications allow the submission of outline proposals, the details of which may be agreed as “reserved matters” applications at a later stage. Detailed planning applications submit all the details of the proposed development at the same time.

What is the purpose of outline planning?

Applications for outline planning permission seek to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority, before a fully detailed proposal is put forward. This type of planning application allows fewer details about the proposal to be submitted.

How long does outline planning last UK?

With outline planning permission, there is a 3 year period from the date of planning permission in which to submit the reserved matters for a scheme, and then the approval will be extant for a further 2 years. Therefore with outline planning permissions, you have up to 5 years before implementation is needed to occur.

How much does outline planning cost?

For sites up to 2.5 hectares, an outline planning application will cost £462 per 0.1 hectare. For sites above 2.5 hectares, an outline planning application will cost £11,432 plus £138 per 0.1 hectare.

Can a Neighbour refuse planning permission?

In summary, your neighbour can have no influence on the development with regards to planning permission, as planning permission is not required. The exception to this would be if you are planning to take advantage of the Larger Home Extension Scheme under permitted development, which has its own particular process.

Does outline planning permission expire?

How long does outline planning permission last? Outline Planning Permission has a duration of 5 years usually; however, the time limited condition of any application can be bespoke. The first 3 years are generally the reseved matters period but the approval is valid for 5 years generally.

Does outline planning permission increase value?

Does planning permission add value? Short answer: yes. Adding planning permission to your home will typically increase its market worth.

What does it mean to apply for outline planning permission?

Applications for outline planning permission seek to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority, before a fully detailed proposal is put forward. This type of planning application allows fewer details about the proposal to be submitted.

How is planning permission decided in the UK?

The law requires that all applications for planning permission should be decided in accordance with the policies of the ” development plan ” – unless material planning considerations indicate otherwise. The decision on any planning application is therefore “policy-led” rather than “influence-led”.

Can a planning authority refuse a planning application?

Permissions may be the subject of planning conditions, where, rather than refusing a planning application, a local planning authority might grant permission, but might for example restrict the use of the site or require additional approvals for specific aspects of the development .

When to apply for planning permission for a construction project?

Planning permission can be the greatest risk on a construction project. Deciding whether to make an outline or detailed application, and when to make an application is of great importance. Typically, clients wish to secure planning permission as soon as possible so as to minimise abortive design costs.