What does mod do in Delphi?

Modulo operator “mod” It allows to get the remainder of a number or the result of an arithmetic expression divided by a number or an expression.

What does Div mean in Delphi?

Arithmetic Operators

Operator Operation Result Type
* multiplication integer, real
/ real division real
div integer division integer
mod remainder integer

How do you use the operator in Delphi?

if (N = 6) or (N = 8) or (N = 10) then ShowMessage(‘OK’); makes the code more compact and readable, but Delphi documentation is silent about it, and you should be aware of potential problems. if N in [6, 8, 10] then ShowMessage(‘OK’);

How do you round off in Delphi?

The Round function uses the prevailing round mode in the floating-point control word. By default, Delphi sets this to round-towards-even, also known as “banker’s rounding.” Numbers are rounded to the closest integer, and numbers that fall exactly between two integers are rounded off to an even number.

What is Trunc in Delphi?

Description. Truncates a real number to an integer. In Delphi code, the Trunc function truncates a real-type value to an integer-type value. X is a real-type expression. Trunc returns an Int64 value that is the value of X rounded toward zero.

Is Delphi an operator?

The is operator tests whether the type of an object reference is the same as a given class reference or is a descendant of that class. It returns True if the object has the same type or is derived from the class type; it returns False otherwise.

Is and as operator in Delphi?

What is Ceil in Delphi?

Call Ceil (as in ceiling) to obtain the lowest integer greater than or equal to X. The absolute value of X must be less than MaxInt.

What does trunc do in Delphi?

In Delphi code, the Trunc function truncates a real-type value to an integer-type value. X is a real-type expression. Trunc returns an Int64 value that is the value of X rounded toward zero.

What is FRAC Delphi?

Description. Returns the fractional part of a real number. In Delphi code, the Frac function returns the fractional part of the argument X. X is a real-type expression. The result is the fractional part of X; that is, Frac(X) = X – Int(X).

How do you say not equal in Delphi?

<= less or equals. >= greater or equals. <> not equal (less or greater, not the same)

What is meant by Ceil?

transitive verb. 1 : to furnish (something, such as a wooden ship) with a lining. 2 : to furnish with a ceiling.

What does the MoD command do in Delphi?

Delphi Basics : Mod command. . . . . . Description. The Mod keyword gives the remainder from dividing the Dividend by the Divisor. The whole number result of the division is ignored.

When is x mod y an error in Delphi?

Evaluation of a term of the form x mod y is an error if y is less than or equal to zero; otherwise there is an integer k such that x mod y satisfies the following relation: 0 <= x mod y = x – k * y < y. That means that in Delphi “c:= 10 mod -3;” results in an error and an exception will be thrown at run-time.

How do you mod float values in Delphi?

Board index » delphi » How do you MOD float values? How do you MOD float values? but “mod” only takes Integer values. What can I use that would take float

How to use the modulus operator in Delphi?

The modulus operator returns the remainder of a division. Here’s an example to help you out. Drop a TMemo on a blank new form, and put this in the FormCreate evemt: Run it, and look at the output in the memo. Try (I <> 0) AND ( (I mod 300) = 0).