What does ILD mean in latex?

Indentation Load Deflection
ILD (Indentation Load Deflection) is a value that represents the force needed to compress natural latex, polyurethane and several other types of foam.

What is the highest ILD foam rating?

A hard foam material will require greater force to reach 25 percent compression, and a softer material will require less. Most common materials have ILD values from 8 to 70, with some materials as high as 120 to 150.

What is firmness rating ILD?

ILD is a measure of firmness and is the normal unit of measurement for Talalay latex. Talalay firmness can vary from about 12 ILD up to about 50. In bedding, an ILD of 12 would be regarded as very soft—you’d nearly sink through it. An ILD of 50, on the other hand, is very firm.

What is ILD stand for?

Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is an umbrella term used for a large group of diseases that cause scarring (fibrosis) of the lungs. The scarring causes stiffness in the lungs which makes it difficult to breathe and get oxygen to the bloodstream.

How is ILD foam measured?

ILD is measured by pressing a 12-inch round disk into a 4-inch piece of foam until it presses 25% or one inch into the mattress surface. The amount of weight or pressure required to compress the mattress to that extent is the ILD.

What is firmness rating 20 ILD?

The more force required, the firmer the foam. The ILD range that is commonly seen in natural latex for mattresses is about 20 ILD (very soft) – 45 ILD (very firm). Another way to measure natural latex is density.

How is ILD measured?

ILD is measured by indenting (or compressing) a foam sample to 25 percent of its original height. The amount of force (in pounds) required to indent the foam is its 25 percent ILD measurement. The more force required, the firmer the foam.

Is 40 density foam good for bed?

A 40 density would be high density in polyfoam (PU Foam), not so much in memory foam, and very low for others. For example, in the Indian demographic, people prefer the PU Foam to have a density value between 32 and 40.

What is IFD in foam?

Foam testing is often concentrated on Indentation Force Deflection (IFD), a method for determining the firmness, stiffness, and load bearing capacity of the materials. IFD measures the load required to depress a 50 square inch compression platen into a polyurethane foam specimen.