What does Iago mean when he says I know my price?

Angry that Iago never tells him anything . Iago shows his pride and arrogance when he shows he thinks he should have been chosen. Iago: “I know my price: I am worth no worse a place” Iago is critical of Othello’s own pride which is ironic and hypocritical because Iago is very proud of himself.

What does Iago mean when he says I am not what I am?

When Iago says “I am not what I am,” he means that he is not truly and in essence what he merely pretends to be. He pretends to be a servant of Othello, but he is really a servant of himself. He is a hypocrite, a liar, a deceiver; he is not the loyal lieutenant and good friend that he pretends to be.

What does Roderigo take much unkindly?

As the scene opens, Roderigo is pouting, and exclaims, “Tush! never tell me; I take it much unkindly / That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse / As if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this” (1.1. 1-3). The “this” is the elopement of Othello and Desdemona.

Who says I know my price I am worth no worse a place in Othello?

Iago’s desire for revenge was hardly justified. He did aspire to be the lieutenant and was expecting it. He tells Roderigo that he deserves the position, “I know my price, I am worth no worse a place.” He also has fought with Othello for 8 years and had built a strong friendship. Although Iago feels…show more content…

What does suit mean in Othello?

“Suit” in this context means “a petition, as to a person of rank or station” (definition 11 in the Random House Unabridged Dictionary here). The “three great ones” intervened personally to ask Othello to make Iago his lieutenant.

What does Iago mean when he says that Cassio is a fellow almost damned in a fair wife?

“A Fellow Almost Damned In A Fair Wife” In his tirade against this new appointee, Iago makes a remark about Cassio’s wife which has frequently puzzled readers of the play. “Damned in a fair wife” reflects, of course, a proverbial attitude that a beautiful wife is a source of trouble for her husband.

Why is Iago a villain?

Iago is one of Shakespeare’s most sinister villains, often considered such because of the unique trust that Othello places in him, which he betrays while maintaining his reputation for honesty and dedication. Shakespeare contrasts Iago with Othello’s nobility and integrity.

Is Iago in love with Othello?

Sexual: Iago is in love with Othello and wants the Moor to not only discard Desdemona, but eliminate her. Discussed above. Artistic: Iago is a warped artist who gets a kick out of making the other characters behave according to his invented story. This was Bradley’s theory.

What was Roderigo’s complaint in Scene 1?

What was Roderigo’s complaint, and what was Iago’s reply to it? Roderigo was love sick & depressed about winning over Desdemonda now that she was married. Iago tells him to use reason, hold back his passion and they will get revenge!

What does off Capp d mean?

We see in this opening passage Iago confessing his hatred of Othello to Roderigo because he was not chosen to be lieutenant. Now upon giving such recommendation, they also off-capp’d (took off their caps) to Othello which is a sign of respect and humility from one individual to another.